The Humans

Samuel Zeif spoke for humanity today at trump’s listening session…a group was gathered  at the White House…people from Columbine, Sandy Hook and Parkland… Samuel Zeif sat next to a mother who lost her seven year old son in the Sandy Hook massacre…Nicole Hockley, whose son Dylan died at Sandy Hook…“It’s still happening.”… Samuel’s texts to his parents and siblings that he might not see them again went viral…texts to his younger brother who was upstairs from him…“No brothers or sisters or family members or anyone should ever have to share those texts with anyone.”…Samuel was a survivor…he spoke from his heart…“How did we not stop this after Columbine? After Sandy Hook?”…“That’s why I’m here, I lost my best friend; he was practically a brother. I’m here to use my voice because I know he can’t.”…“I don’t understand. I turned 18 the day after, woke up to the news that my best friend was gone.”… “And I don’t understand why I could still go in a store and buy a weapon of war.”…”How is it that easy to buy this type of weapon? How did we not stop this after Columbine? After Sandy Hook?”…“It’s still happening.”…and trump listening attentively with cheat sheet in hand…no. 5 reminding him to say We hear you…true to form…this president is inept…unable to be empathetic…meanwhile, the students of Parkland rallied at the State Capital in Tallahassee to push for gun control…students across the Country protesting… and organizing to change the status quo…March for Our Lives on March 24 in Washington, D.C…been listening to my CD made by Mark…words from Live Aid…”we are the world…we’re saving our own lives”…

Billy Graham died this morning at age 99…I was never a fan of Graham…a Christian hypocrite…a self-taught evangelist…spoutialways a champion of Israel in public but privately an anti-semite…one anti-semite to another…Graham to Nixon in 1972…“A lot of Jews are great friends of mine,”…( you know that line, some of my best friends are Jews ) “They swarm around me and are friendly to me. Because they know that I am friendly to Israel and so forth. But they don’t know how I really feel about what they’re doing to this country, and I have no power and no way to handle them.”…further…the Jewish “stranglehold” on the media “has got to be broken or this country’s going down the drain.”…said in 1972 and validated in 2002 when the Nixon Library released tapes…now we have Graham’s son, Franklin defending and protecting trump…tarnishing the word Christian…disgusting phooey!…

The Humans…a one-act play written by Stephen Karam…part of this season at the Walnut Street Theater…I was excited to see it again and excited for Julia to see it also…she’s my theater partner…90 minutes without an intermission…a family gathering for Thanksgiving…at the newly moved in to basement apartment in Manhattan’s Chinatown of daughter and boyfriend…a sister and grandmother round out the cast…a lesbian sister and grandmother suffering from Alzheimer’s…the human microcosm ensues…funny and tender…family secrets…religion…I had seen it on Broadway last year in December 2016…it was closing on January 15, 2017…I wanted to see it so badly since it had won the Best Play Tony…the actors who played the parents both won Tonys…Reed Birney and Jayne Houdyshell…I loved this play…it was all I expected…I learned later it was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize…I went to see it by myself…had a great seat…one ticket at the two-fors is always a great seat…Candy and Ray and Janae and Sidney were here for Christmas and we went to NYC for a couple of nights…Candy and Ray went to see the Gloria Estefan musical…On Your Feet…my play let out before On Your Feet, while I was waiting for them to come out…Jayne Houdyshell came walking by me…she stopped to talk to me and signed my program…I was happy…the Walnut’s production was good…the set was better and the actors were all good…my seats are fifth row center…perfect…it’s Julia birthday tomorrow…we usually have dinner at Jones but since it was a special occasion I surprised Julia by taking her to Morimoto…Stephen Starr’s Japanese restaurant…I had never been there…Julia had been there once before and had always raved about it…went there for her friend Maddie birthday a while back…she picked out our meal and it was wonderful…YUM…a beautiful place too…Happy Birthday Eve…she will be 18 officially at 11:28 AM…18…amazing…

the United States women have done it again at the Olympic Winter Games…the United States Women’s ice hockey team wins GOLD…over Canada…in a shoot out…so exciting and nail biting…the second time since 1998…and the GOLD for the Women’s Cross Country Relay…the first GOLD ever in Cross Country…let alone GOLD…more humans being Gold Medalists…

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