Money Makes the Rounds

to the Bank of Cyprus…and offshore account…Paul Manafort’s and Rick Gates’ big money…millions of dollars which were once rubles…big time money laundering…the only thing I know about money laundering is if I left a dollar or a found dime and penny in my jeans and I threw them into the washer…so here’s what Rafe explained to me about money laundering…first you have “dirty” money…you deposit into the bank of your choice, overseas of course like the Bank of Cyprus ( where Wilbur Ross, trump Commerce Secretary was a vice-chairman )…you set up dummy companies with accounts offshore in the Grenadines…like Paul Manafort’s Leviathan Advisors Ltd., Gbobal Highway Limited, or Lucicle Consultants Limited…among others…then you buy stuff or pay for stuff…like a $2.8 million condominium on Howard Street in Soho, which he rented out on Airbnb, a $3 million brownstone on Union Street in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, and a home in Virginia ( the one that got raided early in the morning a while back, I think )… among other things, that you buy or pay for like

  • 5.4 million to a home improvement company located in the Hamptons, where Manafort owns a mansion in Bridgehampton
  • $1.3 million to a home automation, lighting and home entertainment company in Florida
  • More than $272,000 for payments on at least four Range Rovers and a Mercedes-Benz
  • $934,350 to an antique rug store in Alexandria, Va., plus an additional $100,000 purchase
  • Nearly $850,000 on men’s clothes in New York and another $520,000 to a clothing store in Beverly Hills
  • Nearly $820,000 on a Hamptons landscaper
  • $623,000 to an antique dealer in New York
  • $20,000 for housekeeping in New York  ( do you think it was to an undocumented immigrant? )…then you have “successfully” ( until you get caught ) “laundered” your money without keeping it out of the washer and dryer…or paying tax on it…
and according to the indictment, the lobbying firms, the Podesta Group and Mercury Public Affairs companies ( the unnamed companies in the grand jury indictment of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates ), were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort…then you borrow money on the real estate’s equity…and you also own $623,000 worth of antique rugs…and a few Range Rovers and a Mercedes…
Manafort’s lawyer calling “some” of the indictment “ridiculous”…”trump was right about no collusion”…Manafort and Gates plead “not-guilty”…hey trump can you send us a pardon?…
besides the big bombshell of the indictment of Manafort and Gates, there was the indictment and guilty plea of George Papadopoulos, an advisor to trump ( trump calls “an excellent guy” )…another shoe drops…( trump does not attract the sharpest knife in the drawer )…( trump on numerous occasions said he would get the “best people in the world” )…not to disparage George Papadopoulos but…he decided to lie to the FBI…in January and February…his choice…and on October 5 he plead guilty…he is the first trump guy to plead guilty…he’ll go down in history just like E. Howard Hunt who was the first to plead guilty in the Watergate Scandal that brought down Nixon…the best news is that Papdopoulos has been co-operating with Mueller…and trump is fuming while he passes out Halloween candy at the White House…”deep throat” Mark Felt told Woodward and Bernstein to “follow the money”…and today the Republicans were not to be found, just a few commenting but more couldn’t get away fast enough to not answer questions…Paul Ryan “can’t comment on something I haven’t read”…money makes the rounds…it makes the world go round…a mark, a yen, a buck, or a pound…and a ruble…
it’s LGBT Month:  Jeffrey Weinstein ( not related to Harvey )…a workplace pioneer…“I seem to have been a pioneer in realizing the idea for what are now called domestic partnership benefits. It took years for the idea to catch on.”

Jeffrey Weinstein is a writer, editor and critic. As a union representative, he won the first employee healthcare benefits for same-sex couples from a private employer.

Born in Manhattan, Weinstein was raised in Brooklyn and Queens. He earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Brandeis University before enrolling at the University of California in San Diego, where he pursued graduate work in English and American literature. Shortly after the Stonewell Riots in 1969, Weinstein came out to his family and friends and taught the first class in gay literature in California.

Weinstein started his career as a food critic at the San Diego Reader in 1972 and became a restaurant critic for New York’s Soho Weekly News in 1977. He joined the Village Voice in 1981 as editor of visual arts and architecture criticism, where he remained until 1995.

In his first year with the Village Voice, Weinstein founded the National Writers Union. In 1982 he helped negotiate the union contract agreement to extend health, life insurance and disability benefits to same-sex partners and other spousal equivalents of the newspaper’s employees.

From 1997 to 2006, he served as the fine arts editor and cultural columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer and, subsequently, as arts and culture editor for Bloomberg News.

In 2009 the University of Southern California named Weinstein deputy director of its Annenberg Getty Arts Journalism Program. The following year, the National Endowment for the Arts named him associate director of its Journalism Institute in Theater and Musical Theater. In 2013 and 2014, he served on the jury for the Pulitzer Prize in Criticism.

Weinstein writes frequently about gay issues. He created the “Out There” column about LGBT culture on and wrote a culinary coming-out story, “A Jean-Marie Cookbook,” which earned him a Pushcart Prize. He serves on the board of directors of the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art in New York City.

Weinstein married his partner of 32 years, the artist John Perreault, in Provincetown, Massachusetts, in 2008.

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