
woke up this morning before the alarm went off, woke to Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure…I didn’t see this film in the theater’s but I have seen it before…put Keanu Reeves on the map…a couple of high school students travel through time to assemble historical figures like Napoleon, Billy the Kid, Socrates, Abraham Lincoln, Sigmund Freud, Ludwig van Beethoven, Joan of Arc and Genghis Khan for their senior report in order to graduate…helped along by George Carlin and a time travel phone booth…from Wikipedia: “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure is a 1989 American science fiction comedy film directed by Stephen Herek and written by Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon. The first installment of the Bill & Ted franchise, it stars Keanu ReevesAlex Winter and George Carlin. It follows Bill (Winter) and Ted (Reeves), who travel through time to assemble historical figures for their high school history presentation.

It received positive reviews and was a modest box office success, grossing $40 million against a $10 million budget. Winter and Reeves reprised their roles in two sequels: Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (1991) and Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020).

the Plot: In 2688, humanity exists as a utopian society due to the inspiration of the music and philosophy of the Two Great Ones: William “Bill” S. Preston, Esq., and Ted “Theodore” Logan. One of the citizens, Rufus, is tasked by the leaders to travel back to San Dimas, California in 1988 using a phone booth-shaped time machine to ensure that the young Bill and Ted, two dim-witted high school students, successfully pass history class. If they fail, they won’t graduate high school, and Ted’s father, police Captain Logan, plans to ship Ted to a military school in Alaska, ending Bill and Ted’s fledgling band, Wyld Stallyns, and altering history.”…I really liked this movie…as stupid as it seems…and I watched it this morning before falling asleep before the alarm went off…I had promised Elissa I would take her to Gladwynne for her haircut…I was just puttering around the apartment before leaving at 11:30 to get her by 12:00…I had gotten the time wrong…her appointment was at 12:00… screwed everything up…on my way to get her, she called me back to say Maurice had changed her appointment to 1:30…so I promptly turned around to take the antique desk I bought at a yard sale from the no longer Shoemaker Elementary School in Cheltenham…put it in Pam’s garage…finally…then I went to the Library to check out their books for sale…I was interested in their cookbooks…I had bought the Silver Palate cookbook earlier this year for Julia…to discover empty shelves…they had had a sale…discounted…and what ever they didn’t sell a dealer came and got the rest…so that was a bust…they I went to McKinley Market to buy a Powerball lottery ticket…to find it closed due to circumstances…another bust…then I went back to apartment to pick up a book to read at the hairdresser’s…Elissa said she would on be there about an hour…they ventured to 501 to get Elissa…by 12:45…went she signed out…she wrote the reason was Adventure…signed out for over 6 hours…we were going to have dinner wtih Loretta and Jerry and go to the movies…at the Ambler to see Firebrand…about the 6th wife of Henry the VIII…with Alicia Viklander…we got to Maurice’s on time…and I walked around the area, I had never been to before…there was store with plants for sale…up the street…when I first went…beautiful begonias…and other plants equally beautiful…but I didn’t buy anything…I was tempted, I still had three lantanas I hadn’t planted yet…then I walked around the grocery store nearby…McCafferty’s…beautiful fruits and vegetables…meats…everything so expensive…I think I had been to a McCafferty’s in Blue Bell years ago…they were one of the first stores to be able to sell beer…we’re talking 30 years ago…when we worked at ReMax in Blue Bell…I made my way back to the salon to sit and watch the end of the haircut…we made our way to another little store so Elissa could buy some fruit to tied herself over until dinner at 5:00 we would meet Loretta and Jerry there…we drove home through Consohocken…to Chestnut Hill to see if I could buy hand pies at Matinee…but they didn’t have any…another bust…then on to Walgreen’s to pick up Elissa’s prescription…through the drive-through…painless…then to the co-op in Ambler to pick up a few things she needed…but also to scope out the parking situation…Ambler was having the second night of their Arts and Music Festival…and Butler Pike was closed off…found out I could get to parking…and then to 501 to put away the fruit she bought…and then to Cantina Feliz…for dinner…they say us right underneath the A/C…I was freezing…went to the car and got my jacket…saved the say…Loretta and Jerry had decided to go see Bad Boys on Elissa’s recommendation…but they were unable to get two seats together, so they were going to see Inside Out 2…while we were going to see Firebrand…from Wikipedia: “Firebrand is a 2023 British historical drama film directed by Karim Aïnouz and written by Henrietta Ashworth and Jessica Ashworth, based on the 2013 novel Queen’s Gambit by Elizabeth Fremantle. The film focuses on Katherine Parr, Queen of England and the wife and widow of Henry VIII. It stars Alicia VikanderJude Law, and Eddie Marsan. The film marks Aïnouz’s first directorial effort in the English language.

Firebrand premiered at the 76th Cannes Film Festival on 21 May 2023, where it was selected to compete for Palme d’Or.

Premise: In the final years of Henry VIII‘s reign, his sixth and final wife, Katherine Parr, becomes caught between the teachings of the Church of England and the radical preaching of Anne Askew.”…I fell asleep a few times during the film…so sleepy from getting up early and not getting enough sleep…the festival was still going strong at 9:00 went we got out of the movie…I made my way to get funnel cake…which we sat on the bench and watched the revelers walk by…then back to the 501 to leave Elissa off…from our Adventure…and it was an Adventure…I got home with half of my funnel cake to eat tomorrow…Father’s Day…and make cucumbers and sour cream for our planned picnic…after falling asleep on the sofa…while watching Bill Maher…I see it again…no loss…so ended my day of Adventure…and I walked 2 miles…

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