Low, Down

hundreds of people have gathered at the Supreme Court to honor Ruth Bader Ginsberg…and I’m sure millions more are there in spirit…there has been many tributes to this amazing woman who changed the law on gender equality…it’s said she won the right for women to sign a mortgage without a man…the right to have a bank account without a male co-signor…the right to have a job without discrimination based on gender…the right to be pregnant, have kids and work…and was fundamental in Obama signing into law the right for women to paid the same as men for the same job…I watched Bill Maher this afternoon…during his show the news flashed that RBG died…his guests all remarked what a game changer it was…one of his guests was Tim Miller, a Republican for Biden…he was shocked and remarked that Moscow Mitch would ram through a replacement for RBG as soon as possible…hypocrisy or no hypocrisy…same for Lindsay Graham… they would have no compunction after their 2016 “let the people decide who should pick a Supreme Court Justice in an election year”…at any rate Moscow Mitch will try his damndest to railroad trump’s next pick which will change the course of the Court for our grandchildren and great grandchildren…yes, elections have consequences…we will suffer for generations…when the United States was leaning more liberal…racist Moscow Mitch will turn back the clock and reverse all the progress we have made, as I’ve said, to punish the American people for electing a black man as President…is there anything we can do?…maybe…I’m not sure what but the Democrats are working hard and fast to prevent what is sure to happen…I received an email from a friend of mine…we have to resist…”LETS DO THIS PEOPLE…..Pass it on to everyone and anyone you can think would do this. If you are on social media, post it over and over again. We should make this go viral and send to as many Dem members in the Senate as we can. Copy and paste! Send it to everyone. Just go online. Every Senate office has contact info. – “Our nation is facing a huge potential injustice: the Republican-controlled Senate seeking to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I urge you and all non-Republican Senators to do the following: 1. Do NOT give unanimous consent to ANYTHING proposed by Senator McConnell or any other Republican. This includes roll call, agenda adoption, recognition of speakers and any other action proposed. 2. Obstruct, object, move to postpone, read long stuff into the record. Take as much time as you possibly can. Make them work for every single minute of time they are in session. (They are going to call you out for obstruction if you do nothing – so do something! In fact, do everything.) 3. Do these things even for issues that have nothing to do with the Supreme Court or federal judiciary. Waste the Senate’s time. Every minute. Every second.”…whatever we do, we have to defeat the Republicans in this election, at the ballot box…our Democracy depends on it…even more than ever…gone will be advocacy for the little guy, for you and me…the Supreme Court will side with corporations…gone will be unions, voting rights, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, health care, our civil rights, we the people will be sacrificed for the corporation…I watch trump at his rally where he says he will exercise his right to appoint a Supreme Court Justice and they cheer…do they even know they will be stripped of their rights…most likely, their health care…and they cheer, the people who trump calls “disgusting people” that he has to shake hands with…lemmings going off the cliff…for the cult leader…drinking the Kool Aid…

in between watching the tributes to RBG…what an extraordinary person… and as they said about Abraham Lincoln…”now she belongs to the ages”…and as Jon Meachum said “she put us on the path for a better, fuller, freer nation”…her legacy…and it is good and fitting that people are gathering all around our nation in tribute to this extraordinary woman…a woman of conviction…a woman who fought and won equal rights for all of us…pray for our Democracy…pray for RBG and her family…pray that there will be enough Republicans to stop Moscow Mitch and his agenda…and flush the TURD November Third…flush Moscow Mitch and flush Lindsay Graham who gave up their integrity…their principles…their loyalty to our Constitution ( all the Republicans gave up their oath to support and defend the Constitution )…all for the sake of power… “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”…

I’ve been low and down today…mostly napping…my escape mechanism for today…it helps…

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