Another Broken White Boy

Chadwick Boseman died August 28 after four year fight with colon cancer… he portrayed iconic historic black figures in the movies…Jackie Robinson… James Brown…Thurgood Marshall…but the role that brought him his own iconic black figure was that of Kin T’Challa in Black Panther…he became a real life super hero…having won an NAACP Image Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award…tonight ABC, Disney is parent company, aired Black Panther commerical-free and then a tribute to Boseman, A Tribute Fit For A King…by all accounts, Boseman was a graceful man, a special person…who left his mark in history…Director Ryan Coogler on Boseman: “I wasn’t privy to the details of his illness. After his family released their statement, I realized that he was living with his illness the entire time I knew him. Because he was a caretaker, a leader, and a man of faith, dignity and pride, he shielded his collaborators from his suffering. He lived a beautiful life. And he made great art. Day after day, year after year. That was who he was. He was an epic firework display. I will tell stories about being there for some of the brilliant sparks till the end of my days. What an incredible mark he’s left for us.”…from Wikipedia: “Chadwick Aaron Boseman was born and raised in Anderson, South Carolina, to Carolyn and Leroy Boseman, both African-American. His mother was a nurse and his father worked at a textile factory, managing an upholstery business as well. According to Boseman, DNA testing indicated that some of his ancestors were Krio people from Sierra LeoneYoruba people from Nigeria and Limba people from Sierra Leone.

Boseman graduated from T. L. Hanna High School in 1995. In his junior year, he wrote his first play, Crossroads, and staged it at the school after a classmate was shot and killed. Boseman attended college at Howard University in Washington, D.C., graduating in 2000 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in directing. One of his teachers was Phylicia Rashad, who became a mentor. She helped raise funds, notably from her friend and prominent actor Denzel Washington, so that Boseman and some classmates could attend the Oxford Mid-Summer Program of the British American Drama Academy in London, to which they had been accepted.

Boseman wanted to write and direct, and initially began studying acting to learn how to relate to actors. After he returned to the U.S., he graduated from New York City’s Digital Film Academy.

He lived in Brooklyn at the start of his career. Boseman worked as the drama instructor in the Schomburg Junior Scholars Program, housed at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem, New York. In 2008, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career.

response to his death from Wikipedia: “Many fellow actors and other celebrities paid tribute to Boseman via social media following the announcement of his death, including a number of his Marvel Cinematic Universe co-stars. Marvel Studios president and CCO Kevin Feige called Boseman’s death “absolutely devastating”, writing: “Each time he stepped on set, he radiated charisma and joy, and each time he appeared on screen, he created something truly indelible […] Now he takes his place [as] an icon for the ages”. Co-stars from Boseman’s other films also paid tribute to him.His death was compared to other unexpected deaths of young black celebrities in 2020, particularly Kobe Bryant and Naya Rivera.

His death also drew responses from the political realm including former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama with Mr. Obama writing, “To be young, gifted, and Black; to use that power to give them heroes to look up to; to do it all while in pain – what a use of his years.” Additionally, the 2020 Democratic presidential ticket nominees Joe Biden and Kamala Harris paid tribute to Boseman. On Twitter, Biden wrote: “The true power of Chadwick Boseman was bigger than anything we saw on screen. From the Black Panther to Jackie Robinson, he inspired generations and showed them they can be anything they want — even superheroes.” Harris, who was also the subject of Boseman’s final tweet, posted a statement mourning the loss.

On August 29, 2020, the day after Boseman died, the tweet from his family from his account confirming his death became the most-liked tweet ever, with more than 6 million likes in under 24 hours.

Howard University, his alma mater, tweeted a statement from Howard’s president, Wayne A. I. Frederick.

Major League Baseball and the Los Angeles Dodgers, the franchise for which Robinson played when the team was at its former home of Brooklyn, New York, issued statements honoring Boseman, due to his notable portrayal of the player.  Several publications noted Boseman died on Jackie Robinson Day, seven years after his having portrayed Robinson.

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster ordered the Statehouse flags be lowered to half-staff on August 30, 2020, in honor of Boseman, who was born and raised in the state. Also on August 30, ABC ( with Disney and Marvel ) aired Black Panther without commercials, followed by a retrospective of Boseman’s life and career titled Chadwick Boseman — A Tribute for a King. The 2020 MTV Video Music Awards ceremony was also dedicated to Boseman.”

in the film Black Panther…CIA operative Everett Ross was portrayed by Martin Freeman ( of Hobbit fame…Bilbo Baggins )…”Ross is gravely injured protecting Nakia ( T’Challa’s lover ). Rather than pursue Klaue ( bad guy ), T’Challa takes Ross to Wakanda, where their technology can save him.”… and it does save him…Wakanda’s advanced technology…T’Challa’s sister calls Ross “another broken white boy” to be fixed…I heard that tonight an I thought that trump is “another broken white boy”…except there’s no fixing this malignant narcissist…he is a broken white boy…flush the TURD November Third…

did a 2 mile walk before watching Black Panther…still as good as the first time I saw it…the performances…of course, Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Danae Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker and Andy Serkis…a Oscar winning production and costumes, and original score…the first super hero film to be nominated for Best Picture…it was truly futuristic, and advanced technologically…Chadwick Boseman was only 43, so young with so many more performances to play…Oprah called him “a shooting star”…

The Way Back

pre-pandemic…”when life was slow and oh, so mellow”…and we were going to the cinema…dinner and a movie…the last picture show I saw was with Elissa and Carol and Rafe…we went to The Ritz to see the new Emma…on that Friday The Way Back was starting…the Ben Affleck sports drama…from Wikipedia: directed by Gavin O’Connor and written by Brad Ingelsby. It stars Ben AffleckAl MadrigalMichaela Watkins, and Janina Gavankar, and follows an alcoholic construction worker who is recruited to become head coach of the basketball team at the high school he used to attend.”…I liked the trailer, it looked good but then the pandemic hit and good-bye movies… it made a little bit of money an got great reviews from Rotten Tomatoes…an 83%…it premiered tonight on HBO…Ben was great…it reminded me of Hoosiers…high school basketball team…loser team that spring to life with the once star player twenty or years earlier…Ben’s character led his team to multiple championships…fast forward, Ben’s life is in shambles, separated from his wife and their son died from cancer…he hasn’t quite hit bottom, he works at his construction job but drinks to oblivion every night…a fridge full of beer…enter the offer to take over the coaching job…he can’t quite refuse the offer…memorizing his refusal…but in the end he takes acquiesces and take over and brings the team a la Hoosiers to the play offs…a foreshadowing of our NBA playoffs…round one…and baseball…on again, off again…protests of police brutality…and racial inequality…and racial injustice…Colin Kaepernick is vindicated 4 years later, for taking a knee during the National Anthem…we now have the players and coaches on Kaepernick’s side…on the side of justice…LeBron James’ using his celebrity for good…LeBron knelt during the National Anthem when the NBA restarted its season…along with the coaches and referees…Kaepernick thanks LeBron saying “Four years ago on August 14, 2016, I began protesting against systemic racism and social injustice. Truth is what I sought. Solidarity is what you showed me. Love is what moves us forward. Thank you for staying true.”…and truth is what we’re striving for…trump is the liar-in-chief…the chaos candidate…he’s telling us that the riots and violence in the streets is the fault of the Democrats…those damn Democrats and their states…anarchists?…rioters?…looters?…while he is in charge…it’s his doing…it’s under his charge…it’s his United States…although not so united…went back to himself in New Hampshire…not the empathic guy Ivanka was telling us about…not the champion of women Kellyanne Conway was talking about…not the racist all those blacks were telling us he’s not…and his loyal lemmings in New Hampshire who booed at the announcement that masks were required…if only Herman Cain to speak to them from the grave…like Yul Brenner did about smoking…Yul made infomercial before he died of lung cancer…so redemption saved Ben Affleck in The Way Back…it ends with him on an outside basketball court shooting baskets…the team winning the game for their coach…the way back is blowing in the wind…the way back is to think for yourself…it’s only common sense…the way back is to vote this November…flush the TURD November Third…

How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, ‘n’ how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they’re forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind

Yes, ‘n’ how many years can a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
Yes, ‘n’ how many years can some people exist
Before they’re allowed to be free?
Yes, ‘n’ how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn’t see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind

Yes, ‘n’ how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, ‘n’ how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, ‘n’ how many deaths will it take ’til he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Bob Dylan

Blowin’ in the Wind lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

“Bob Dylan wrote ‘Blowin’ in the Wind‘ on April 16th 1962. He said the idea for the song came from an old slave song. He wrote it to talk about the frustration of black Americans at the time and it became an anthem for the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s.”

I’m Chevy Chase

and you’re not!…in his own bratty way trump tells us he lives in the White House and the Democrats don’t…and who cares about the Hatch Act as he thumbs his nose at us, using the White House for his backdrop like a banana republic dictator…we find out another reason Melania stayed back in New York before moving to D.C., in Stephanie Winston Wolkoff’s new book Melania and Me…due out in September…“I’m not moving to D.C. until the residence has been renovated and redecorated, starting with a new shower and toilet.”…Wolkoff tells us Melania is just a bratty and doesn’t care like that infamous jacket she wore to the migrant children’s detention center…the one that read “I really don’t care, do you!”…but that another story…the real story is CNN’s Daniel Dale tells us, ( but of course we knew ), that trump is a serial liar…his acceptance speech, read from the teleprompter in a boring way, that he was “profoundly” accepts instead of “proudly” accepts the nomination…he’s Dale’s and Maggie FoxAndrew KaczynskiCaroline KellyKatie LoboscoTami LuhbyHolmes LybrandPaul P. MurphyAlex RogersTara Subramaniam and Maegan Vazquez‘ fact checking trump important speech filled with lies and misrepresentations: “

President Donald Trump is a serial liar and he serially lied during his speech accepting the Republican nomination.CNN counted more than 20 false, exaggerated or misleading claims from Trump on Thursday night. That’s in addition to a number of falsehoods from other speakers. Trump’s dishonesty touched on a range of topics, from the economy to his administration’s performance during the coronavirus pandemic. Some of Trump’s most egregious false claims were directed at Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Trump suggested Biden wants to take down the border wall, but Biden has specifically rejected that idea, saying only that he’ll stop further construction. Trump baselessly said that Biden’s plan would eliminate borders, which it wouldn’t. Trump claimed he passed Veterans Choice, a law that Obama signed in 2014.

Trump also touted a “record” 9 million jobs gained over the past three months, without mentioning the record 22 million job losses that preceded that. Trump also boasted about the Covid testing system and his general response to the pandemic, even though experts near-universally say the US was fatally slow in its response, especially slow in setting up adequate testing.

Here’s a look at a selection of false and misleading claims from the final night of the Republican National Convention.


Trump made a number of misleading and exaggerated claims in touting his administration’s record on Covid-19 testing and treatments.”We developed, from scratch, the largest and most advanced testing system in the world,” Trump said.

Trump also said, “America has tested more than every country in Europe put together, and more than every nation in the Western Hemisphere combined. We have conducted 40 million more tests than the next closest nation,” he said.In addition, Trump, according to prepared remarks, said the US has “developed a wide array of effective treatments, including a powerful anti-body treatment known as convalescent plasma that will save thousands of lives. Thanks to advances we have pioneered, the fatality rate has been reduced by 80 percent since April.”

Finally, Trump said the US “has among the lowest case fatality rates of any major country in the world.

Facts First: These claims are exaggerated and misleading.Testing in the US has been less than successful, and has never reached levels that satisfy public health experts. After getting off the ground slowly and late, Trump’s own CDC director, Dr. Robert Redfield, admits the US has missed 90% of coronavirus cases with its testing efforts. On June 25, he told reporters that the CDC had estimated there were many more cases than testing had detected. “A good rough estimate now is 10 to 1,” Redfield told a media briefing. Redfield told Congress that coronavirus has “brought this nation to its knees.”

As for Trump’s claims on developing new treatments, the US has not yet developed a single new treatment for coronavirus. The only treatments that have been shown to work against coronavirus are old treatments – the steroid dexamethasone, the existing drug remdesivir, which has minimal benefits, blood thinners and convalescent plasma, which is a 100-year-old last-ditch treatment, and the FDA commissioner acknowledged he overstated its potential benefits on Sunday. Antibody treatments are in the works, but are far from approval and it’s not clear how well they might work.

As for case fatality rates, the US does appear to have a case fatality rate of 3.1%, but that is still higher than Russia’s, which is 1.7%; Saudi Arabia’s, which is 1.2%; Israel’s, which is 0.8%; Norway’s, which is 2.5%; Japan’s, which is 1.9%. Johns Hopkins has a list of those rates among the most affected countries here. And deaths are not always reported. The CDC has found many more excess deaths during the pandemic than have been attributed to coronavirus. . It’s possible other countries are simply better at tallying their deaths.However, according to Johns Hopkins University, the US has among the highest mortality rates when measured per 100,000 people. The US comes in at 54.93 deaths per 100,000. Only 10 countries have higher rates, and they include Brazil, at 56.17 deaths per 100,000; Sweden at 57.12 and the UK, at 62.49. More than 100 countries have lower death rates than the US. They include Mexico, Panama, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Norway, Greece, Sudan and Haiti.— Maggie Fox


Trump claimed the US economy has gained a record nine million jobs over the past three months.

Facts First:This is highly misleading. The economy did add about 9.3 million jobs combined in May, June and July — but that record increase immediately followed a much bigger record loss of about 22.2 million jobs in March and April.In other words, the economy is still down nearly 13 million jobs because of the coronavirus crisis. (Also, many of the jobs added were simply people returning to work after temporary layoffs.) — Daniel Dale

Paycheck Protection Program

Trump claimed that the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses, a key part of the federal government’s response to the pandemic, has “saved or supported more than 50 million American jobs.”

Facts First:This is likely a significant overstatement. A private-sector report found that far fewer jobs, about 13.6 million, have been saved by the program.The Trump administration maintains that more than 50 million jobs were saved by the program, which lent forgivable loans to small business owners so that they could keep their workers on payroll.

But a report from S&P Global found that the money saved about 13.6 million jobs. S&P’s estimate is based on the average size of a small business, rather than the specific loan recipients.Separately, a half-dozen economists interviewed by Reuters put the number of jobs saved at only a fraction of 50 million — ranging between 1 and 14 million. Reuters said officials from the Small Business Administration, which oversees the program, said the claims about more than 50 million jobs refers to the total number of workers reported by businesses approved for loans — not the number of jobs that were saved.— Katie Lobosco


Trump claimed that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden “has pledged a $4 trillion tax hike on almost all American families.”

Facts First:This overstates the tax increase Biden has proposed and experts say it would fall largely on corporations and wealthy Americans, rather than on the middle class.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, an independent bipartisan nonprofit, estimated that Biden’s tax plan would raise between $3.35 trillion and $3.67 trillion over a decade by concentrating its tax increases on corporations and the country’s highest earners.”The Biden tax plan is highly progressive, increasing taxes for the top 1 percent of earners by 13 to 18 percent of after-tax income, while indirectly increasing taxes for most other groups by 0.2 to 0.6 percent,” wrote the CRFB in a recent report.– Alex Rogers

Covering pre-existing conditions

Trump again pledged that he and the entire Republican Party “will always, and very strongly, protect patients with preexisting conditions.”

Facts First:Though the President has repeatedly asserted his support for covering individuals with preexisting conditions, his administration has consistently taken steps to undermine the Affordable Care Act without presenting alternative plans that would offer similar benefits.

Congressional Republicans have also repeatedly put forward bills and filed lawsuits that would weaken Obamacare’s protections for people with preexisting conditions.You can read more here.– Tara Subramaniam

Prescription drug prices

Trump doubled down on his longtime pledge to lower prescription drug prices, mentioning it twice in his speech.”Last month, I took on Big Pharma — you think that’s easy? It’s not — and signed orders that will massively lower the cost of your prescription drugs,” said Trump, who also promised to “further reduce the cost of prescription drugs.”

Facts First: The President signed four executive orders in July aimed at reducing drug prices, but it’s far from clear whether they will ever take effect or greatly lower prices if they do. Also, drug prices have continued to rise during the Trump administration, though the growth rate has slowed by some measures.

The President issued four executive orders late last month, which resurfaced a kitchen sink of controversial proposals that have advanced little during his term.One, known as the favored nations measure — which has not yet been released by the White House — generally calls for setting Medicare reimbursement levels for certain drugs on their cost in other countries. Trump said at the signing that he would hold onto the order until August 24 to give drug makers time to present their ideas for reducing costs. A planned meeting at the White House in late July never took place, and it remains to be seen what Trump will do with the measure.A second order calls for effectively banning drug makers from providing billions of dollars in rebates to pharmacy benefit managers and insurers, a radical change in the way many drugs are priced and paid for in Medicare and Medicaid. Instead, drug companies would be encouraged to pass the discounts directly to patients at the pharmacy counter. The administration had to back down from this effort last summer, in part because it would have likely raised Medicare premiums.

Another executive order pushes allowing drug importation from Canada, where prices are much lower. It would also allow manufacturers to import lower-cost versions of the drugs they sell in other countries. However, concerns include whether the medications would be safe and whether Canada has enough supply to make a dent in US prices.

The final order directs Federally Qualified Health Centers, which provide primary care services to underserved communities, to pass along discounts on insulin and EpiPens to their patients.It’s likely the drug industry would take the administration to court if the President moves forward with the orders.As for drug prices: GoodRx, which follows several thousand brand name and generic medications, found that manufacturers hiked prices on 857 drugs by an average of 6.8% in the first six months of this year. That compares to 933 medications rising an average of 7% over the same time last year, according to the website, which provides cost comparisons and consumer discounts. The number of drugs and rate of price growth slowed between 2015 and 2019.– Tami Luhby

Progress for Black Americans

Trump claimed that he has done more for the African American community than any other president since Abraham Lincoln.

Facts First: While we give Trump lots of latitude to express opinions, this one is simply ridiculous even if he is comparing himself only to previous presidents and excluding other Black heroes.

It’s absurd to say Lincoln is a “possible” exception; emancipating the slaves was obviously more important for Black Americans than anything Trump has done. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, monumental bills whose impact dwarfed the impact of any legislation Trump has signed.

You can make an argument that numerous additional presidents did more for Black Americans than Trump, but we’ll stop there. It’s worth noting, though, that Black people themselves do not, on the whole, agree with Trump’s self-assessment. Trump has had a consistently abysmal approval rating with Black citizens — just 4% in one recent Quinnipiac University poll, for example, versus 93% disapproval.– Daniel Dale and Holmes Lybrand

Iraq War

Trump noted Joe Biden voted for the Iraq War in an attack on Biden’s record.

Facts First:This omits important context. While Trump is correct that Biden voted for the war, Trump didn’t mention that he himself expressed tentative support for the 2003 invasion in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern.

Trump did not become an explicit opponent of the war until 2004, more than a year after the invasion. His running mate, Mike Pence, also voted for the war as a member of Congress. – Andrew Kaczynski

Veterans health care

Trump falsely claimed he passed the Veterans Choice program.

Facts First:The Veterans Choice bill, a bipartisan initiative led by Sens. Bernie Sanders and the late John McCain was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2014.

In 2018, Trump signed the VA Mission Act, which expanded and changed the Choice program.Trump has told this lie more than 150 times.— Daniel Dale

Border wall

Trump said, “We have already built 300 miles of border wall.”

Facts First:This needs context. As of August 7, some 275 miles of barriers had been constructed on the US border with Mexico — but just 5 of those miles were erected in places where no barriers had existed before, according to official statistics provided to CNN’s Priscilla Alvarez by US Customs and Border Protection.

Of the remainder, 245 miles were erected in place of old barriers, while 25 miles of new “secondary wall” were erected to fortify primary barriers.The Trump-era replacement barriers are often much larger than the older ones they are replacing. But still, it’s worth noting that Trump has not erected 300 miles of wall where no barriers existed before.– Daniel Dale


According to Trump, “the Biden-Bernie manifesto calls for suspending all removals of illegal aliens.”

Facts First: The Sanders-Biden “unity task forces” actually recommended a “100-day moratorium on deportations of people already in the United States” to allow for the development of transformative changes to enforcement practices at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection.

So, there was some basis for Trump’s claim here, but a moratorium is not a permanent halt. And even a moratorium would not apply to people who are apprehended trying to cross the border during the 100-day period.— Holmes Lybrand


During his speech, Trump claimed that he has “very good information” that China wants Biden to win because Biden cheers for China.

Facts First: While we don’t know what information Trump may have, a recent assessment from the intelligence community reported that China preferred Trump lose the election because he was “unpredictable” and because of the many actions he has taken against China.

William R. Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, in a statement on August 7 updating the election threat landscape heading into the election, noted that “China prefers that President Trump — whom Beijing sees as unpredictable — does not win reelection.

The statement went on to note that China has been critical of Trump’s “Covid-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate” and “actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market.”Evanina’s report makes no mention of China preferring Biden because he would weaken the US economy.— Daniel Dale and Holmes Lybrand

NATO alliance

Trump claimed NATO members had agreed to pay $130 billion more a year.

Facts First: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg explained during a meeting with Trump on December 3, 2019, that by the end of 2020 non-US NATO members would have added a total of $130 billion to their defense budgets since 2016, not $130 billion per year.

This figure does not take into account the possible impact of the current pandemic, NATO spokeswoman Peggy Beauplet noted in an email to CNN on Thursday morning.You can read more about Trump’s claims on NATO spending here.— Daniel Dale

Jerusalem embassy

Referring to the US embassy in Jerusalem, Trump claimed it cost less than $500,000 to open.”Rather than spending $1 billion on a new building as planned,” Trump said, “we took an already owned existing building at a better location, real estate deal, right? And opened it at a cost of less than $500,000.”

Facts First: The State Department awarded a $21.2 million contract in 2018 for a company to design and build “compound security upgrades” related to Trump’s decision to turn the existing facility into an embassy.

While the initial modification that allowed the building to open as an embassy cost just under $400,000, that was not the final total.— Tara Subramaniam

Democrats and God

Trump claimed that during the Democratic convention the word “God” was left out of the Pledge of Allegiance twice.”During the Democrat Convention the words ‘under God’ were removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, not once but twice,” Trump said.

Facts First: The word ‘God’ was left out of the Pledge of Allegiance in at least two caucus meetings held earlier in the day that were part of the full convention, but the word was not removed during the main evening events of the DNC.– Holmes Lybrand

Criminalizing protest

Trump said that when demonstrators began tearing down statues and monuments, “I signed an order immediately. Ten years in prison.”

Facts First:Trump’s actions have simply directed the attorney general to enforce already-existing laws. The President’s executive order doesn’t create new laws or possible prison sentences.

Trump issued the order on June 26 that, among other things, directed the attorney general to “prioritize” investigating and prosecuting certain cases of vandalism — especially of monuments and memorials of US veterans — in accordance with “applicable law.”One of the laws cited in the order is the “destruction of government property,” which carries a potential “fine of up to $250,000, ten years imprisonment, or both” if the purposeful damage to government property exceeds $100. The law has been around since 1964.– Holmes Lybrand

School choice

Trump claimed Biden “vowed to oppose school choice and close all charter schools, ripping away the ladder of opportunity for Black and Hispanic children.”

Facts First:The claim about charter schools is an exaggeration. The claim about “school choice” is debatable.

The Democratic Party platform recommends banning for-profit charter schools from receiving federal funding, not abolishing all charter schools. It also takes a generally skeptical approach to charter schools, calling for “conditioning federal funding for new, expanded charter schools or for charter school renewals on a district’s review of whether the charter will systematically under-serve the neediest students.” That is not abolition.The claim that Biden wants to end “school choice” is less clear-cut, since the phrase can be defined different ways. Biden and the task force oppose school vouchers that provide government money to students who go to private schools. However, Biden supports some alternatives to standard public schools.”

Joe Biden opposes the Trump/DeVos conception of ‘school choice,’ which is private school vouchers that would destroy our public schools. He’s also against for-profit and low-performing charter schools and believes in holding all charter schools accountable. He does not oppose districts letting parents choose to send their children to public magnet schools, high-performing public charters, or traditional public schools,” a Biden spokesperson said in an email.– Daniel Dale

Child care costs

First daughter Ivanka Trump claimed that the Trump administration had lived up to promises to make child care more affordable and accessible by boosting child tax credits as part of the 2018 tax overhaul.”As part of Republican tax cuts in 2019 alone, our child tax credit put over $2,000 into the pockets of 40 million American families,” she said.

Facts First:This is mostly correct. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the child tax credit to $2,000 per child and added another $500 credit for older children and other dependents.

The Treasury Department estimates that about 39.4 million families received child tax credits and additional child tax credits in 2019, totaling $88.1 billion. That amounts to an average $2,234 per family.However, the tax overhaul bill also denied the full $1,000 child tax credit increase for more than 26 million children in low-and moderate-income families — those whose earnings are so low they owe little or no federal taxes — according to Chuck Marr, senior director of federal tax policy at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal-leaning think tank. Their analysis is here.— Anneken Tappe

Trump’s finances

Outlining reasons why Americans should vote for Trump, White House social media director Dan Scavino said, “You know the President cannot be bought.”

Facts First:Trump has refused to release his tax returns, preventing the public from gaining a clear picture of his financial interests — including details of any outstanding debts.

Trump is the first President since Watergate not to divest his business interests while in office and the first President in decades not to release his tax records, which would offer the public a truer picture of his income and net worth.His annual financial disclosures, which are self-reported and are not vetted by federal ethics officials, give only a veiled view into the President’s finances.— Tara Subramaniam and Maegan Vazquez

Police reform

Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor and Trump’s personal lawyer, claimed that failure by Congress to enact a police reform bill was to deny Trump a victory during an election year.” It seemed for a few brief shining moments, Democrat and Republican leaders would come together with a unified proposal to reduce police misconduct. This possibility was very dangerous to the left. They had a President to beat and a country to destroy. And although an agreement on action against police brutality would be very valuable for the country, it would also make President Trump appear to be an effective leader. They could have none of that.”

Facts First: There is no indication Congress’ failure to agree on a police reform bill or demonstrators’ decisions to protest was motivated by concerns that was Trump looking too “effective.”

Amid nationwide protests and civil unrest in response to high-profile episodes of police misconduct, there was bipartisan consensus in Congress earlier this summer that federal legislative action was necessary. But hopes of a prompt police reform bill were dashed in June when Senate Democrats blocked their chamber’s bill after criticizing it as an inadequate response to nationwide calls for action to address police misconduct and racial injustice, with McConnell taking a noncommittal stance on bringing up police reform legislation following the Democrats’ block.

The next day, the House passed policing legislation that is not expected to be and has not been taken up in the Senate. Despite several states passing new laws regulating their police forces, Congress has failed to advance national police reform legislation since then.– Caroline Kelly

Violent crime

Giuliani claimed that violent crime has been increasing at percentages unheard of in the past.”New York City once described as America’s crime capital, had become by the mid-1990s, America’s safest large city,” Giuliani said, blaming current New York Mayor Bill De Blasio. “Murders, shootings, and violent crime are increasing at percentages unheard of in the past. We’re seeing the return of rioting and looting.”

Facts First: While there have been significant increases in the rates of murder, shootings, robberies and grand larceny of automobiles in New York to date in 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, violent crime rates in every major crime category tracked by NYPD are down significantly since Giuliani was mayor.

According to the NYPD’s stats, the rates of seven major felony offenses have dropped 290 percent since Giuliani was in office.There’s been 259 murders in New York in 2020 so far this year. In the last two years — of Giuliani’s mayorship (2000 and 2001) there were 673 and 649 respectively.Giuliani saw significant rates of crime drop during his time as mayor, but those drops have largely continued since he left office and remain significantly lower than when Giuliani was in office.— Paul Murphy

Green New Deal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell criticized Democrats for wanting to pass more regulations, including suggesting that Democrats want to tell Americans “how many hamburgers you can eat.”

Facts First:This is a clear exaggeration. Democrats have not called for limiting how many hamburgers Americans can eat. Sen. Kamala Harris of California, Biden’s running mate, has said she would support changing dietary guidelines, a far cry from mandating what people can eat.

Several Democratic presidential candidates talked about cattle production and its negative impact on the environment at a CNN town hall on climate change held in September 2019.When asked if she would support changing dietary guidelines to reduce the consumption of red meat, Harris said she would, but that “the balance that we have to strike here, frankly, is about what government can and should do around creating incentives.”

“I love cheeseburgers from time to time,” she added.

Republicans have often repeated this claim that Democrats want to control what Americans eat. They’ve also criticized Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s initial rollout of her Green New Deal to radically tackle the climate crisis. Critics seized on a line that mentioned cow flatulence that appeared to be based on a single sentence in a Frequently Asked Questions document posted by Ocasio-Cortez’s office.

The New York Democrat’s staff later walked back the document, but Republicans have focused on the “cow farts” line.— Katie Lobosco

Gun rights

McConnell claimed, speaking of Democrats, “They want to … take away your Second Amendment rights.”

Facts First: This needs context. While some on the left have advocated repealing the Second Amendment, leadership in the Democratic Party does not support this. Democrats do broadly support a range of gun control measures.

For instance, the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, has proposed to “end our gun violence epidemic and respect the Second Amendment, which is limited.”Along with banning the “manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines,” Biden’s plan includes mandating that people who own assault weapons either sell them to the federal government or properly register them with the authorities, along with other measures.

In 2019 House Democrats passed a gun control bill to extend the time allowed for federal agents to review background checks and to require that all gun sales go through background checks.Democrats certainly support more strict gun control measures than Republicans.— Holmes Lybrand


New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew, who switched parties in 2019 from Democratic to Republican, told a story about his political conversion. He said one of the reasons was that the Democratic Party had become “radical”: “Now they were for open borders.”

Facts First: This is false.Democratic congressional leaders and the presidential candidates who were running for the Democratic nomination at the time of Van Drew’s party switch — including eventual nominee Joe Biden — simply did not and do not support completely unrestricted migration.– Daniel Dale


Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton said, “Joe Biden let ISIS terrorists rampage across the Middle East. President Trump eliminated ISIS’s leader — and destroyed its caliphate.”

Facts First: Trump did preside over the destruction of ISIS’s so-called “caliphate” in Iraq and Syria and the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. However, Trump doesn’t deserve sole credit for the liberation of the caliphate.

The US was part of a multinational coalition President Barack Obama launched in 2014, and Kurdish forces did much of the ground fighting. In addition, it’s not true that the Obama administration simply let ISIS roam free.

Though the caliphate was indeed established under the Obama administration, Obama and Biden also presided over significant progress in retaking that territory.It’s fair game for Cotton to fault the Obama administration for ISIS’s rise, though it’s worth noting the group emerged out of the instability following the invasion launched by Republican President George W. Bush. However, it’s inaccurate to suggest Obama and Biden did nothing about ISIS once it was formed.

IHS Markit, an information company that studied the changing the size of the caliphate, reported two days before Trump’s 2017 inauguration that the caliphate shrunk by 23% in 2016 after shrinking by 14% in 2015. “The Islamic State suffered unprecedented territorial losses in 2016, including key areas vital for the group’s governance project,” Columb Strack, senior analyst and head of the IHS Conflict Monitor, said in a statement at the time.

Under Trump, the military did kill ISIS leader al-Baghdadi.— Daniel Dale

Claire McCaskell tells us while Mark Meadows was in the House he wanted to strengthen the Hatch Act…now that he’s in the White House he says nobody cares about the Hatch Act outside of the Beltway…”Nobody outside of the Beltway really cares.”…and of course, repeat offender Kellyanne Conway, soon to leave the White House, says blah, blah, blah, about the Hatch Act…“If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work,”…“Let me know when the jail sentence starts.”…

in the do as I say, not as I do department…remember, anyone who wants a test can get one…White House generated guidelines sent to the CDC…new guidelines…people exposed to the coronavirus “do not necessarily need a test” unless they’re having symptoms, are older or are otherwise medically vulnerable…whereas, trump and those around him are constantly being tested…just like, vote by mail is good enough for trump and Melania and Kellyanne Conway and Kayleight McEnany but not good enough for the rest of the country…

the whole Republican Convention was riddled with lies and misrepresentations…the sad part is his base believes whatever trump says…maybe they don’t care that he is liar-in-chief…or that he’s not Chevy Chase…flush the TURD November Third…

Fourth Night

they should be chanting “lock him up”…”lock him up”…not “four more years”…and did you know there is peace in the Middle East?…NOT!…just more lies, and more lies upon more lies…it’s disgusting to listen to him…did you know that Biden is a Trojan House for socialism?…NOT!…Natalie Harp, graduate of Point Loma Nazarene University, a private Christian liberal arts college in San Diego, gave her speech before the Republican Convention…he compared trump to the character of George Bailey played by Jimmy Stewart ( a native son of Indiana, Pennsylvania )…in today’s print edition of The New York Times, a letter to the editor from Jimmy Steward’s daughter, Kelly Stewart Harcourt: “TO THE EDITOR, In her speech at the G.O.P convention Monday night, Natalie Harp, a cancer survivor, made reference to the film “It’s a Wonderful Life,” comparing Donald Trump to George Bailey, the main character in the film, played by my father, Jimmy Stewart. Given that this beloved American classic is about decency, compassion, sacrifice and a fight against corruption, our family considers Ms. Harp’s analogy to be the height of hypocrisy and dishonesty. ( signed ) KELLY STEWART HARCOURT, Davis, Calif.”…this is the height of hypocrisy…trump is more the like the character played by Lionel Barrymoore, the avaricious boardmember Henry F. Potter…and to top it all off this – from the Religion News Service article by Alejandra Molina: “Former students from Point Loma Nazarene University, a private Christian liberal arts college in San Diego, are denouncing a speech fellow grad Natalie Harp gave at the Republican National Convention on Monday (Aug. 24).

In her speech, Harp, a California entrepreneur, lauded President Donald Trump’s restrictions on travelers from China, which she said prevented further spread of the novel coronavirus. “Millions more would have been infected,” she said.

Point Loma Nazarene University alumni rejected her comments in a letter that as of Thursday afternoon had accumulated more than 300 signatures. A LinkedIn profile shows Harp attended Point Loma Nazarene University between 2009 and 2012.

“While COVID-19 ruthlessly infects and kills more Black and Brown Americans, this administration is continuing its efforts in court to end healthcare access for hundreds of thousands of our neighbors, under the direction of this President and supported by Ms. Harp,” the letter read.

The letter also noted that “countless experts have continued to refute this President’s claim that the ‘China travel ban’ positively impacted our nation’s response to COVID-19.”

According to The Associated Press, U.S. travel restrictions that took effect Feb. 2 continued to allow travel to the U.S. from China’s Hong Kong and Macao territories.

AP reported that more than 8,000 Chinese and foreign nationals based in those territories entered the U.S. in the first three months after the travel restrictions were imposed.

Students in the letter said they were “taught to think critically” and while they recognize there are a range of political perspectives, “we cannot accept the misguided claims and dangerous comments supported by Ms. Harp.”

“Ms. Harp does not speak for us, and we hereby reject her support of this President who is unabashedly heretical, dishonest, racist, and sexist, to say the least,” the letter read.

In her speech, Harp also commended Trump for pushing for the “Right to Try Act,” a law that allows patients with life-threatening diseases to access unapproved treatments.

“Without you, I would have died waiting for them to be approved,” said Harp, a cancer survivor.

According to The Washington Post, experts have expressed doubt on her story. Harp’s description of the treatment she underwent and her timeline for receiving it “make it unlikely Trump had any effect on her case,” the newspaper reported.”…this for me was the Republican Convention in a nutshell…the hypocrisy and lies, one after another…the fourth night filled with more false statement…an hour and ten minute acceptance speech filled with lies…the corrupt president…lied like a rug…all the cabinet members and anyone who works in this administration violated the Hatch Act…it was a 2 and a half hour crime…from NPR article by Sam Gringlas: “Trump Shatters Ethics Norms By Making Official Acts Part Of GOP Convention” – “Even before the Republican National Convention began, government ethics experts warned that hosting campaign events from the White House South Lawn and the Rose Garden could violate federal ethics law…

But in the convention’s first two days, Trump has gone even further — wielding the powers of his office and the federal government to promote his reelection campaign.

As part of Tuesday night’s prime-time convention programming, Trump granted a presidential pardon from the White House. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared from Jerusalem, where he was on official state business, to make a campaign speech with the Old City as backdrop. First lady Melania Trump delivered a speech from the White House Rose Garden. And acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf performed a naturalization ceremony on television as Trump looked on.

The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from engaging in most political activity inside federal buildings or while on duty. Though the president and vice president are exempt from the civil provisions of the Hatch Act, federal employees like Pompeo, Wolf and any executive branch employees who helped stage the events are not.

Ethics watchdogs harshly criticized Trump’s merging of official and campaign acts during the Tuesday night telecast. ( and subsequent the two following nights…especially this evening with trump acceptance speech with the White House, the People’s House, used as a backdrop…)…

“The Hatch Act was the wall standing between the government’s might and candidates. Tonight a candidate tore down that wall and wielded power for his own campaign,” tweeted Walter Shaub, the former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. Shaub left the office in 2017 after clashing with the Trump administration over the president’s failure to divest from his businesses.”

The Office of Special Counsel can investigate allegations of Hatch Act violations and weigh in on them, but in many cases, it’s up to the employee’s supervisor to act on the advice.

“Ultimately, officials and employees choose whether to comply with the law,” special counsel Henry J. Kerner wrote in a statement Wednesday. “Once they make that choice, it is OSC’s statutory role to receive complaints, investigate alleged Hatch Act violations, and determine which ones warrant prosecution.”

Last year, White House special adviser Kellyanne Conway was cited by the special counsel for Hatch Act violations and recommended she be fired. She remained in the job.

“Blah, blah, blah,” she told reporters. “If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work. Let me know when the jail sentence starts.”

There are also criminal provisions of the Hatch Act, one of which bars intimidating, threatening or coercing federal employees to participate in political activity. Another provision prohibits federal employees from using their official authority for “the purpose of interfering with, or affecting” the election of the president and vice president, among other offices.

The president and vice president are bound by the criminal provisions, which the Department of Justice is charged with enforcing.

Delaney Marsco, legal counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center, says the Trump administration has frequently skirted ethics rules with the hope that they will avoid any repercussions, whether it’s the Hatch Act or evading congressional oversight or inspectors general.

“It’s really troubling,” she said. “We give these people an insane amount of power and authority and they’re supposed to use it to serve the public, and when things are politicized like this, it undermines that trust and flies in the face of the principles of what public office is supposed to be. It should be upsetting to every American.”

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows brushed off criticism that the administration was flouting the law.

“Nobody outside of the Beltway really cares,” he told Politico. “They expect that Donald Trump is going to promote Republican values and they would expect that Barack Obama, when he was in office, that he would do the same for Democrats. So listen, this is a lot of hoopla that’s being made about things, mainly because the convention has been so unbelievably successful.”

Cabinet members have spoken at conventions before. Several Obama administration officials addressed the Democratic National Convention in 2012, for example. But that convention was held in a sports arena, not in the White House, and did not feature Cabinet members conducting official business for the cameras.”…political banners stretched across the White House lawn…more norms being ripped apart…this is what authoritarians look like…still trying to rewrite trump’s failures in responding to the coronavirus…an alternative universe…after 180,000 deaths, he downplays the pandemic…here’s CNN’s Analysis by Kevin Liptak:  “Here are 6 takeaways from Trump’s final night at the RNC: By the time President Donald Trump descended the South Portico steps on Thursday, the goals for this week’s Republican National Convention had become clear: win back women, put coronavirus in the rear-view and convince Americans the President is not a racist.In a lengthy acceptance speech delivered almost entirely from a teleprompter, Trump sought to deliver on all three of those aims — teed up for him by the conventions’ previous speakers — while also appeasing the base of supporters who helped propel him to the White House lawn in the first place.

The result was a made-for-television world in which the coronavirus pandemic has largely faded, the President is oozing with empathy and accusations he is racist are met with appalled denial.Outside the fortified gates, things look different. The type of mass gathering the President arranged isn’t possible nearly anywhere else. His insult-filled Twitter feed gives voters little evidence of hidden warmth. And his hardline “law and order” stance has veered into racist rhetoric.

Yet in his speech, Trump essentially asked viewers to believe what he was offering instead of their own lived reality.He proclaimed his efforts to combat the virus were centered on “the science, the facts and the data,” despite numerous evidence to the contrary — including the very mask-free crowd he had assembled for his speech.He declared, “very modestly,” that he had exceeded any previous president’s efforts for the Black community, even as he’s declined to address issues of systemic racism that have sparked nationwide protests.

And while he claimed to be “an ally of the light,” a nod to rival Joe Biden’s own acceptance speech last week, he delved into dark premonitions about “violent anarchists, agitators, and criminals” who he claimed would be given free reign if Biden wins.

The four-day convention, which came as Trump struggles to reverse a polling deficit caused by his handling of the pandemic, was the President’s highest-profile opportunity to frame the race on his terms.

The final evening amounted to the clearest attempt yet to reverse the hardening impressions among Americans that Trump mishandled the pandemic and has behaved like a bully during his term.Here are 6 takeaways from the final evening of the Republican National Convention:

Living like there’s no pandemic

If the speakers at this week’s convention provided a portrait of Trump’s presidency that didn’t always comport with reality, the images of mask-less crowds gathered without social distancing helped reinforce it.

Combined with the repeated references to the coronavirus pandemic in the past tense, the images projected a post-pandemic world, even as deaths mount.Trump did not address the pandemic at great length. When he did, he predicted a quick resolution to the ongoing crisis using dubious claims about his own performance.”

In recent months, our nation, and the entire planet, has been struck by a new and powerful invisible enemy. Like those brave Americans before us, we are meeting this challenge,” he said. “We are delivering lifesaving therapies and will produce a vaccine before the end of the year, or maybe even sooner.”

It’s an image Trump wants as he tries to convince Americans he is on top of the pandemic. To vouch for his handling of the virus, Trump did not rely on medical experts but on Dana White, the president of Ultimate Fighting Championship who is his longtime friend.Of course, the pandemic is not over. More than 3,200 Americans have died since the Republican National Convention started three days ago — more than died during the terror attacks on 9/11.

Unlike most Americans, Trump has access to an extensive testing regime that his aides say renders him the “most tested man in America.” Anyone who comes into close proximity with him receives one; on Thursday, that included at least some of the more than 1,000 invited guests on the South Lawn for his speech.

The effect has been to provide Trump with the crowds he long desired for his convention. But it has also allowed him to project a reality that simply doesn’t exist for the rest of the country. How effective that is in convincing Americans that Trump has handled the virus well isn’t clear. People living through the outbreak are still feeling its effects. Images of the President going about his life as normal can’t change that reality.”

Here’s what you have to understand about the nature of a pandemic: It’s relentless. You can’t stop it with a tweet. You can’t create a distraction and hope it’ll go away. It doesn’t go away,” Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris said in a prebuttal to Trump’s speech earlier Thursday.

Ignoring Jacob Blake but condemning violent protests

The “law and order” message Trump hoped to advance Thursday came at a tense moment. Kenosha, Wisconsin, remains on edge after the police shooting of a Black man. Many professional athletes were continuing a boycott, though NBA playoff games were scheduled to resume. In Washington, a large racial justice demonstration was being planned for Friday. In his speech, Trump sought to cast Biden as dangerous at a precarious time.”

Your vote will decide whether we protect law abiding Americans, or whether we give free reign to violent anarchists, agitators and criminals who threaten our citizens,” he said. At the same time, he lamented what he characterized as unpatriotic efforts to reckon with the country’s hateful past.”

In the left’s backward view, they do not see America as the most free, just, and exceptional nation on earth,” he said. “Instead, they see a wicked nation that must be punished for its sins.” The tinder-box atmosphere surrounding the President’s address is not an entirely unfamiliar or uncomfortable place for Trump, and in some ways fits squarely into the theme of his convention and campaign: that Democratic-run areas will devolve into chaos should Joe Biden win. He used almost identical themes in his 2016 convention acceptance speech, when he said: “The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.”

But in refusing the address or even acknowledge the circumstances that have led to protests in Wisconsin, Trump also seems to undercut the assertions made over and over during the convention that he is attuned to the issues of the Black community and eager to help.

Those themes arose again Thursday, with speeches from Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, Trump’s sole Black Cabinet member, and Ja’Ron Smith, the highest-ranking Black official at the White House.” Many on the other side love to incite division by claiming that President Trump is a racist. They could not be more wrong,” Carson said, citing (among other things) Trump’s willingness to accept Black and Jewish members at his club in Florida.

Alice Johnson, whose life sentence for a drug violation was commuted by Trump, said she was “free in body thanks to President Trump, but free in mind thanks to the almighty God.”

Ultimately, the messages appeared designed to inure Trump from accusations that he is racist. Yet in practice, his unwillingness to confront the reasons behind current racial tensions — and to instead stoke them with divisive rhetoric — offers a different reality.

Finding an attack on Biden

Throughout this year’s campaign, Trump’s aides have struggled to identify a line of attack on Biden that both moves the needle with voters and earns Trump’s seal of approval. The scattershot approach was evident in the President’s speech. In Trump’s telling, Biden is both a status-quo Democratic politician who is out of time to prove himself — and a “Trojan horse” for socialists like Bernie Sanders. He is both concealing his agenda — “Biden wants to keep you completely in the dark,” he claimed — and working in cahoots with Sanders to move the agenda far-left in “a 110-page policy platform.” And he’s both weak on crime, willing to allow criminals onto the streets, and overly tough in passing a 1990s sentencing law that saw harsh sentences applied on many Black Americans. The dueling narratives about Biden encapsulate the challenge Trump will have in defining his rival in the weeks before Election Day.

He’s a nice guy — believe me

A persistent message delivered at this week’s convention has been that Trump is a nicer guy than he seems. Delivered primarily by people who work for him in the White House, the accounts all suggest that in private, Trump is a warm man oozing empathy for those around him.”

President Trump is a kind and decent man. I wish you could be at his side with me to see his endless kindness to everyone he meets,” said Dan Scavino, the social media guru who is often behind Trump’s more lashing and insulting tweets.”

I have seen his true conscience. I just wish everyone could see the deep empathy he shows to families whose loved ones have been lost to violence,” senior White House adviser Ja’Ron Smith said, naming Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, two Black men killed this summer.

The most effusive in insisting on Trump’s empathy was his daughter Ivanka.” I’ve been with my father and I’ve seen the pain in his eyes when he receives updates on the lives that have been stolen by this plague,” she said.

It’s a description of Trump that, as the parade of his aides acknowledged, is not usually seen in public.” I recognize that my dad’s communication style is not to everyone’s taste,” Ivanka Trump said. “And I know his tweets can feel a bit unfiltered.”

Still, neither his daughter nor any of his aides really explained why — given the ample access the public has to Trump through his frequent press availabilities, his active Twitter feed and his phone interviews on Fox News.

Remember impeachment?

It’s perhaps unsurprising that Trump’s impeachment has been largely forgotten. He is still the president, a world-altering pandemic struck weeks after he was acquitted and the political calculus surrounding the matter shifted. What is surprising is who, seven months later, is raising it as an issue. Democrats entirely ignored the impeachment era in their convention last week, even though many claimed back then that the stain of impeachment would follow Trump forever.

Instead it is Republicans who have made it an issue during their convention — including through the final-night speaking slot assigned to Rudy Giuliani, the President’s volatile personal attorney whose actions helped prompt the entire impeachment scandal in the first place.

Giuliani did not address the impeachment proceedings directly, choosing to focus instead on violence in American cities and an attack on Biden.”He’s a Trojan Horse with Bernie, AOC, Pelosi, Black Lives Matter and his party’s entire Left Wing hidden inside his body just waiting to execute their pro-criminal, anti-police policies,” he said.

But his presence alone was enough to harken back to late last year, when his appearances helped drive Democrats’ efforts. Trump’s allies appear to have calculated that time has either softened Americans’ views of the impeachment, clouded their memories of its specifics or rendered it a petty distraction compared to the massive problems of today.

Fortress White House

Until this year, convention speeches were delivered inside sealed arenas. If protests occurred, they were out of sight and well out of mind.Trump’s outdoor speech Thursday from the White House South Lawn didn’t provide those advantages, though a fortified security perimeter around the executive mansion provided a wide buffer between him and expected protesters.

At least two groups said they would convene near the White House during Trump’s speech. One said they hoped to “drown out” the President using loudspeakers and trucks.

Protests, including banging, air horns, and muffled chanting, were audible from the South Lawn, where Trump delivered his acceptance speech.

Sound from protests has previously carried over the White House fence to where the President is speaking, including when a group of truckers blared their horns during a Rose Garden event.

More notably, the sound of flash bangs could be heard from the Rose Garden as Trump spoke ahead of his fateful walk across Lafayette Square to St. John’s Church in June.

Ahead of Trump’s speech on Thursday, temporary fencing was erected around the perimeter of the White House grounds, almost entirely encasing the property. It mimicked the barricades that were positioned around the White House during that week in June, when Trump at one point was rushed to an underground bunker.”

and how about the rousing endorsement from trump’s really good friend, Moscow Mitch?…

trump is the arsonist/fireman…he starts the fire and then pours gasoline on the fire, instead of water…so the fireworks over the Washington Monument, which looks like a robed Klu Klux Klan member…perfect for trump…we the people paid for all that…flush the TURD November Third…

was out and about today…grocery shopping for Elissa who is under lock down…found 5 pennies in my travels to Trader Joe’s…Sam’s Italian Market…Creekside…McKinley Market…and boy was it hot today…88 degrees, too hot to do anything…glad for air conditioning in the car…

Night Three of Lies

someone should have told the Republicans that you can’t rewrite history… your guy is a racist and he has wrought protesters in the streets and he is responsible for approaching 180,000 of our loved ones dead from Covid-19…they are talking as of the pandemic is over!…it’s not behind us…it just is astonishing the lies…they keep throwing out socialism…using their tact which would have been used if Bernie Sanders was the nominee…Biden and Harris are giving Sanders the presidency…helped along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her New Green Deal that will take away your animals on the farm…Joni Ernst tells us no administration has been more hostile toward farmers than Obama and Biden…our choice is between freedom ( they always have to throw in freedom ) prosperity ( while we in the worst economic depression since The Great Depression ), and economic growth ( which is nil right now under trump/pence) or “the Biden-Harris path. Paved by liberal coastal elites and radical environmentalist. An America where farmers are punished, jobs are destroyed, and taxes crush the middle class.”…really?…really?…they keep touting Biden is in favor of defunding the police…and America will not be safe under Biden…clearly not true…Biden wrote in an op-ed “I don’t support defunding police.”…it went on and on…like the 25 year old Madison Cawthorn, a Republican House candidate…if elected he would be the youngest member of Congress…he told us “James Madison was just 25 years old when he signed the Declaration of Independence.”…easily proven false, as Madison did not sign the Declaration of Independence…also hitting Biden on being Catholic…Lou Holtz, former football coach tells ( and I don’t know how he knows what’s in anyone’s heart ) ““The Biden-Harris ticket is the most radically pro-abortion campaign in history. They and other politicians are ‘Catholics in Name Only’ and abandon innocent lives.”…Pence even had the gall to say Biden supports abortion up until the time of birth…this one guy, telling us that the press lied when they say trump said the white supremacist’s were fine people…we know he didn’t say that…trump did say there were “fine people on both sides”…equating the two sides, most notably the white supremacists marching with torches chanting “Jews will not replace us.”…also Pence talks about the riots but nothing about police brutality…and Kayleigh McEnany, White House press secretary ( who promised never to lie to us which was a lie right off the bat ) said “This president stands by Americans with pre-existing conditions”…he may “stand” by them but trump’s been trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act ( Obamacare ) and is now in federal court actively trying to overturn the entire law…and from day one promising to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with his plan which would be cheaper and better…do you see any plan?…Kellyanne Conway ( leaving the White House at the end of the month to spend more time with the kids…her oldest wants to sue for independence ) tells us trump is a champion of women…if that what misogynist means?…so many lies and misleading information… the Republican party doesn’t care about equality, justice or the little guy…they are for corporate America who become rich off the backs of the little guy…it just make me sick how they can keep telling the same lies…I guess if you say it enough times you believe it…trump’s m.o….take heart and google fact-checking the 3rd night of the Republican Convention…so we find out they have no platform…but they do…”whatever trump wants, we want”…hail the cheater-in-chief…

United State Postal Service…the operative word…SERVICE…I mailed Doris a mask, one with the Rolling Stones logo, she’s a big fan…Susan made it…I mailed it on a Tuesday, the postmistress told me it would be there on Saturday…well she got it two days ago…it took 19 days…so Louis DeJoy was before the House on Monday…I have to post Katie Porter’s questioning of DeJoy from The Daily KOS by Walter Einenkel: “Rep. Kate Porter gets DeJoy to admit he doesn’t even know how much a postcard stamp costs:

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy brought his brand of cronyism to the House Oversight Committee on Monday. Attempting to obfuscate and pass the buck on his sabotage of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), DeJoy has done everything we have come to expect from a Trump-appointed bag man. Democratic representatives have been trying their best to expose DeJoy for the incompetent boob that he is.

Democratic Rep. Katie Porter of California has a solid history of not beating around the bush when asking questions in committee, and Monday was no different. Appearing via video feed, Porter began by asking the head of the USPS what the price of a first-class stamp is. It’s 55 cents, and DeJoy nails the answer. But after that, it seems DeJoy doesn’t know much about the basics of the Postal Service.

Porter asks DeJoy what a postcard stamp costs. DeJoy doesn’t know the answer to that wacky question. Nor does he know how the shape of an envelope affects the cost of the mail’s postage. He also doesn’t know the starting rate for U.S. priority mail. These are all important things to know since DeJoy and conservatives around him have attempted to defend the dismantling of our postal system right before an important election by saying they’re trying to streamline and make the USPS more profitable. If you don’t even know the basics about your product and the going costs, it seems rather amazing that you would even begin to push forward with cost-saving initiatives.

But then, in arguably the most important question of the day, Porter asks Postmaster General DeJoy whether or not he can tell anyone about how many people “within a million or so” voted by mail in the 2016 presidential election.* Porter gives DeJoy some gasoline with which to set his garbage mind ablaze, asking “to the nearest 10 million?” DeJoy can’t answer that, and Porter points out that for someone who has been “taking very decisive action,” DeJoy seems to know jack shit about anything his organization does. ( DeJoy tells us he don’t know who implemented the changes, and pretty much lied to the Senate last week…he couldn’t remember an answer, he said to the Senate…just like my Mom used to say…the truth doesn’t change, DeJoy doesn’t remember the truth?…if you’re telling the truth, you remember the truth…)

Rep. Porter found the answer to her question from last week.

Rep. Katie Porter@RepKatiePorter Spoiler alert: he did not.

Rep. Katie Porter@RepKatiePorterI hope the Postmaster General comes prepared. I know I will.…3:46 PM · Aug 24, 2020222.9K31.9K people are Tweeting about this

you better watch out for Hurricane Laura…you better watch out for the Republican lies…it pretty much make me want to puke…flush the TURD November Third…

Watch Out Suburbs, The Second Night of RNC

they show reruns of Leave It To Beaver…trump would have us believe his grouping up was just like The Beaver’s…but, most likely trump was Eddie Haskell…it’s too bad that June Cleaver is dead…she doesn’t have to be worried about the suburbs described by trump and his cronies…oh my god, better start boarding up your windows and/or put your house on the market…the good news, it’s a seller’s market…it will sell quickly with multiple offers…maybe…just sell before Biden and Harris take over on January 20…to bring the Beaver back into perspective…trump does a pretty good imitation of Kenneth Charles Osmond…the real life Eddie Haskell… who just died on May 18, 2020…Eddie Haskell was Wally Cleaver’s best friend…I guess you could say he was Wally Cleaver’s worst friend too…the behind your back archetype…Wikipedia: “Teenager Eddie Haskell was polite and obsequious to grownups, but derided adults’ social conventions behind their backs.”…the only difference between Eddie and trump is trump is in your face…and instead of a teenager, trump stopped developing at around 5…and instead of deriding adult social conventions behind our back, trump does it out in the open, in our face, thumbing his nose at us… unfortunately, that suburbs from the 50’s, is no longer the suburbs of 2020… the June Cleaver trump and his cronies are talking died along time ago… including the real life Barbara Billingsley, she died October 16, 2016 at age 94…and I suspect if she were still living in the suburbs she wouldn’t be afraid of Biden and Harris’ administration…and truth be told, trump is losing suburb women badly…and this amount of fear mongering isn’t keeping them in his corner, they are fleeing trump because they know he full of baloney…the first night of the Republican Convention had a pretty rough time…calling what the Biden Harris America would be dark, trump says Biden wants to “destroy your neighborhood and your American Dream…and tonight another lying love fest for trump…and try as they may, they are not successfully rewriting history…this from The Daily KOS article by Egberto Willies: “WOW! Chuck Todd exposes Trump lie about saving the country and shows him unhinged: “Reality is catching up with Donald Trump to the point that Chuck Todd and the media are getting emboldened as they critique him more accurately and completely.

Todd pointed out that the president is having a hard time landing a punch capable of doing any damage to Joe Biden. He then showed an unhinged president saying, “I’m the only thing standing between the American dream and total anarchy, madness, and chaos,” pointing out that it was an even darker statement than his 2016 statement “Nobody knows the system better than me — which is why I alone can fix it.”

“If you want a vision of your life under Biden’s presidency,” Trump said with a straight face. “Think of the smoldering ruins in Minneapolis, the violent anarchy of Portland, the bloodstained sidewalks of Chicago.”

Todd pointed out how ridiculous the statement was.

“Mr. Trump is president, and those images have happened on his watch.,” Chuck Todd said. “More than 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.”

Todd went on to itemize all the Trump conning shenanigans. He is disrupting the post office. He is trying to suppress the vote. He is trying to instill fear in Americans by stating he will have law enforcement at the polls. But what is so fearful is that this man calling himself the president of the United States embraces the QAnon conspiracy theorists”…also see below, an article from The Daily KOS by Kerry Eleveld…

Pam Bondi…just made a case for trump on how corrupt Biden is…?…hey, Pam Bondi, who swindling America?…if you recall, Pam Bondi received a $25,000 contribution to her campaign for Attorney General of Florida…who then did not join other attorney generals in the group action against trump university…which eventually settled and had to pay trump university students $25 Million…the $25,000 contribution was given from trump’s Foundation…his charitable foundation…it was illegal and had to given back…too bad Pam Bondi…trump’s foundation also had to be dismantled, and the money left over was given to real charities…and by the way…trump, Ivanka, Eric and jr. are banned from being on any charitable boards… Bondi’s speech was not given to the press before she made it…for good reason…all you had to do was substitute trump’s name for Biden’s…and it would be more true about the corruption of trump and his family…trump and his family enriching themselves right and left…and just a couple of days ago, Eric trump…implicated in the trump organization $145 Million tax fraud…gee, what a surprise…Eric calling for the NY Attorney General James to recuse herself…I wonder where he learned that word…from an article in The Hill by Justine Coleman: “Eric Trump, who serves as the executive vice president of the Trump Organization, told Fox News Radio host Brian Kilmeade he is “not at all” worried about the investigation, which Attorney General Letitia James (D) announced Monday. James said she is looking into whether President Trump illegally inflated his assets and asked a judge to order Eric Trump and the Trump Organization to comply with subpoenas.

“First of all, I think she needs to recuse herself, I mean I really do, and I think the ethical violations in doing what she’s doing is truly horrible,” Eric Trump said.

“Why would you possibly comply?” he said. “Why would you possibly speak to somebody who literally campaigned on taking out your family?”

During the interview, Eric Trump said that James “detests my father” and “campaigned on taking my father down.”

President Trump
’s son, Eric Trump, said Tuesday that the New York state attorney general should recuse herself from investigating the Trump family’s business practices.

Eric Trump, who serves as the executive vice president of the Trump Organization, told Fox News Radio host Brian Kilmeade he is “not at all” worried about the investigation, which Attorney General Letitia James (D) announced Monday. James said she is looking into whether President Trump illegally inflated his assets and asked a judge to order Eric Trump and the Trump Organization to comply with subpoenas.

“First of all, I think she needs to recuse herself, I mean I really do, and I think the ethical violations in doing what she’s doing is truly horrible,” Eric Trump said.WHEN YOU SUPPORTOUR ADVERTISERS,YOU SUPPORT US.THANK YOU!

“Why would you possibly comply?” he said. “Why would you possibly speak to somebody who literally campaigned on taking out your family?”

During the interview, Eric Trump said that James “detests my father” and “campaigned on taking my father down.”

“I mean this is unfortunately the world that we now live in as having somebody that is obviously commander in chief in our family,” he added.

The state investigation was opened last year after President Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, testified in front of Congress. Cohen at the time alleged that the president had changed the value of his assets to get loans, improved insurance rates and tax breaks.

The New York attorney general on Monday accused Eric Trump of refusing to comply with a subpoena for his testimony.

“For months, the Trump Organization has made baseless claims in an effort to shield evidence from a lawful investigation into its financial dealings,” James said in a statement. “They have stalled, withheld documents, and instructed witnesses, including Eric Trump, to refuse to answer questions under oath.”

“That’s why we’ve filed a motion to compel the Trump Organization to comply with our office’s lawful subpoenas for documents and testimony,” she continued. “These questions will be answered and the truth will be uncovered, because no one is above the law.”…so Eric is “not at all” worried about the investigation?…so why isn’t he complying with the subpoena?…I wonder why…

from an article from The Daily KOS by Kerry Eleveld: “The only way for Republicans to make Trump seem appealing was to lie, exhaustively—and lie they did: The reviews are in from the first night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) liefest and the GOP did not disappoint. CNN called it “a parade of dishonesty,” The Washington Post framed it as “a fire hose of false or misleading claims,” and The New York Times said Republicans “mounted a fierce and misleading defense” of Trump’s record.

Let’s be real—a large part of the evening was devoted to making Trump appear human and empathetic, so if gaslighting the country is your starting point, it was bound to all be downhill from there.

And it was. CNN noted that all four nights of the Democratic National Convention combined couldn’t match the number of lies spewed in one night at the RNC.

Here are a handful of GOP claims that might be pretty hilarious if a solid third of the country weren’t Trump-loving cultists who believe absolutely anything he says.

5. “Raising taxes on 82% of Americans is not nice.”

Neither is lying, Ronna McDaniel, RNC chair. Joe Biden’s plan to roll back Trump’s tax cuts would largely fall on corporations and America’s richest citizens, with the nation’s top 1% of households accounting for about three-quarters of the tax increases, according to estimates by the Tax Policy Center.

But walking back a portion of the 14% tax rate cut that Republicans gave to giant corporations is expected to have some adverse impact on lower-income households. “Nearly all of the increase in tax burden for the bottom four income quintiles would be because of the indirect effects of increased corporate income taxes,” writes the Tax Policy Center. McDaniel is including those indirect effects in her 82%. Biden has proposed tax credits for low- and middle-income households that would effectively offset those indirect impacts, but it would basically be a wash, according to The Washington Post.

4. “President Trump brought our economy back before, and he will bring it back again.”

That lie came direct from Trump’s former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, and it has no grounding in reality. The economy was already humming when Trump took office after monthly job gains topped more than 250,000 every month in 2014, 227,000 every month in 2015, and 193,000 every month in 2016.

In 2017, job growth under Trump leveled down to 179,000 per month. In 2018, job growth ramped back up to 223,000 per month, which still underperformed Obama in 2014 and 2015. And by last year, Trump’s job growth had slumped back to 175,000 per month. Trump and his allies often say Trump came into the office in the middle of the Great Recession—it’s total b.s. Obama turned the economy around after George W. Bush took a wrecking ball to it.

3. “After eight years of Obama and Biden’s slow growth, Trump’s policies have been like rocket fuel to the economy and especially the middle class.”

Don Jr. dropped that little gem and it is equally as inaccurate as the notion that Trump brought an already humming economy back from the brink. As CNN notes: “Actually, middle class income grew in the final years of the Obama administration but has stagnated under Trump.” In 2018, the media household income of $63,200 was virtually flat after making steady gains in the three preceding years, according to the Census Bureau’s most recent data. Here’s the median income increases prior to 2018:

  • 2017: 1.8%
  • 2016: 3.2%
  • 2015: 5.2%

All that said, the most recent high point for median income, which came in 2018, wasn’t statistically different than it was in 2007 before the Great Recession took hold. So overall, the middle class hasn’t gained much of anything over where it stood a decade ago. Not exactly “rocket fuel,” especially since middle class gains stalled under Trump.

2. “We’re taking good care of our postal workers. That I can tell you. […] Believe me, we’re not getting rid of any our postal workers, you know.”

Whenever Donald Trump starts a claim with “believe me,” the crap that is coming is going to be extra thick. But Trump had to offer up some gaslighting as his administration’s efforts to kneecap mail balloting have come into full view in recent weeks.

In fact, internal documents obtained by CNN showed U.S. Postal Service (USPS) managers had outlined plans to drastically cut work hours in at least one region before the Trump administration’s sabotage of the agency came to light. In mid-July, managers in at least one district told staff they planned to slash about 100,000 to 124,000 work hours. In the past, cuts in work hours have often resulted in layoffs. But increased scrutiny of USPS plans have since forced Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to suspend the cuts at least until after the election, or so he says. 

1. “I didn’t back down from my promises, and I’ve kept every single one.”

The clip of Donald Trump making that laughable claim ran in a convention video. Anyone remember what Trump’s No. 1 and 2 promises were? (Hint: It turned into one of his most popular call-and-response chants with supporters during his 2016 campaign rallies.) That’s right, he was going to “build that wall” and, who was going to pay for it? Mexico! And no, none of that happened.

Mark Sumner also has an entire post dedicated to the lies Trump and his cronies told about his abysmal handling of the pandemic that has now claimed nearly 180,000 American lives and wrecked the U.S. economy. 

But bottom line, when your record of accomplishments is as pathetic as Trump’s is, there’s nothing left to run on but lying and fearmongering.”

Eric is now lying through his teeth…”his father didn’t need the job”…what a joke…”the great American comeback”…”once again America became the envy of the world”…what America is he talking about?…I believe they are either laughing at us, not behind our back like Eddie Haskell or they are feeling sorry for us…trump is running America into the ground and kissing Putin’s butt…cow towing to Putin…trump sending us to Mars?…he should go to Mars…he can milk that planet…flush the TURD November Third…

and in the “give me a break” department…Tiffany tells us she can relate to the thousands of college grads looking for a job…don’t make me throw up…

RNC pulls speaker after QAnon conspiracy theory tweet, Mary Ann Mendoza was suddenly pulled from tonight roster of speakers after retweeting anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, oh, and by the way, she is also on the advisory board member of Bannon’s “We Build the Wall” organization… and our Secretary of State, Pompeo, thumping his nose at protocol and violating the law…politicizing U.S. and Israel relationship…and after issuing a July cable that read “presidential and political appointees and career SES (Senior Executive Service) are subject to significant restrictions on their political activity; they may not engage in any partisan political activity in concert with a partisan campaign, political party, or partisan political group, even on personal time and outside of the federal workplace.”…he also has the gall to tell us Ukraine has defensive weapons now…oh, and by the way, on our dime…flying to Jerusalem…probably staying at the King David Hotel…flush that TURD November Third…and don’t even get me started on trump’s immigration policy…”welcoming several people in a naturalization ceremony in the White House, meanwhile…his policy – no more immigrants…”the bins are full”…and a former Department of Homeland Security tells us trump offered pardon if they made illegals acts against immigrants…the most anti-immigration president ever…I have only two words to say about that…actually four…white supremacist Stephen Miller… flush that TURD also on November Third…

evangelicals?…are you listening?…just to mention Jerry Falwell, Jr. and his wife’s year long affair with a “pool boy” turned investment partner…I use that term partner unloosely…OMG…

and another OMG…Larry Kudlow…what planet is he on?…everything he said was a lie…he so easily forgot what has happened to America in the last 6 months…trump, when elected, inherited a stagnant economy on the front end of recession….trump rebuilt the economy in three years, and unemployment fell to the lowest rate of 3.5 percent.”…trump’s saving the economy?…there’s a housing boom, an auto boom, a manufacturing boom and a consumer spending boom…really?…boom is right…boom from the blown up economy brought about trump…

and Melania, maybe the first White House person to show any kind of sympathy toward the 177,000 coronavirus deaths and their families… speaking to the no mask crowd…but I have no sympathy for Melania, she married the TURD…while in the last couple of days trump has been ordered to paid court costs, to the tune of $44,100, to Stormy Daniels…to reimburse her attorneys’ fees in the legal battle surrounding her nondisclosure agreement…don’t know why there’s no sun up in the sky, Stormy Daniels…Melania, tell your TURD of a husband to “be best”…bully for her…FLUSH THE turd NOVEMBER THIRD…

sung to the tune of My Favorite Things…when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I’m feeling sad…I simply read my favorite tweets, and then I don’t feel so bad…

The Lincoln Project: “All I heard were trump supporters saying how bad America is…the America trump is in charge?”

Robert Reich: “There’s is no longer a Republican Party. There is the trump party. No platform, no principles, no ideals, no vision. just donald j. trump.”

Steve Schmidt: ” This convention is a bubbling cauldron of delusion, insanity and grievance.”

Dan Rather: “Maybe it is time to retire the phrase “The Party of Lincoln?”

Brian Tyler Cohen: “Whatever Don Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle took together backstage, it was too much.”

Rob Reiner: “Is it just me or is anyone else throwing up right now?”

I don’t tweet…but on this second night of the republican convention…flush the TURD November Third…

Republican Convention

the bodyguard of Western Civilization?…really?…the bodyguard of Western Civilization!…I don’t think so…the speakers are telling us about the “world ” trump lives in…but then there’s reality…he’s fighting for us and you better watch out, they’re coming to destroy our suburbs…they’re coming to take away your guns…they’re coming for your brain…they’re going to tell you what to think…they’re coming for your freedom…they’re coming to build low income housing next door to you…they’re going to make your house worth less…the boogie man is coming…race baiting anyone?…dog Bull horn anyone?…all giant projections…and the boogie man, he’s a socialist…and Biden and Harris are turning the U.S. over to Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Acacio-Cortez…( ready to laugh? )…Biden will be America’s Fidel Castro…the only black senator, Tim Scott, Senator from South Carolina warned us that Biden wants the U.S.A to become a socialist utopia…he wants a cultural revolution…Nikki Haley too…Biden will give way to Sanders, Pelosi and Alexandra Acacio-Cortez…and how laughable, don Jr., tells us his father’s upholding the rule of law…Jr. telling us the other party is attacking the very principles our country was founded on…( ready to laugh, although it’s not so funny )…the Democrats are attacking freedom of thought…freedom of speech… freedom of religion…and the rule of law… sounds like trump to me…especially attacking the rule of law…trump thinks he is above the law…part of Jr.’s speech: “Thomas Jefferson famously said, “I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Our Founders believed there was nothing more important than protecting our God-given right to think for ourselves.

Now the Left’s trying to “cancel” all of those Founders. They don’t seem to understand this important principle: In order to improve in the future, we must learn from our past–not erase it.

So we are not going to tear down monuments and forget the people who built our great Nation. Instead, we will learn from our past so we don’t repeat any mistakes. And we will work tirelessly to improve the lives of all Americans.

Joe Biden and the radical left are also now coming for our freedom of speech and want to bully us into submission. If they get their way, it will no longer be the “Silent Majority,” it will be the “Silenced Majority.”

People of faith are under attack. You’re not allowed to go to church, but mass chaos in the streets gets a pass. It’s almost like this election is shaping up to be church, work, and school vs. rioting, looting and vandalism– or, in the words of Biden and the Democrats, “peaceful protesting.”

Anarchists have been flooding our streets and Democrat mayors are ordering the police to stand down.

Small businesses across America—many of them minority owned—are being torched by mobs.

And that brings me to another important principle: Every American must be free to live without fear of violence–in your country, in your communities, and in your homes.

All men and women are created equal and must be treated equally under the law. That’s why we must put an end to racism, and we must ensure that any police officer who abuses their power is held accountable. What happened to George Floyd is a disgrace. And if you know a police officer, you know they agree with that, too.

But we cannot lose sight of the fact that our police are American heroes. They deserve our deepest appreciation. Because no matter what the Democrats say, you and I both know when we dial 911, we don’t want it going to voicemail. So “defunding” the police is not an option.

If Democrats really wanted to help minorities and underserved communities, instead of bowing to big money union bosses, they’d let parents choose what school is best for their kids. They’d limit immigration

Imagine a world where the evils of Communism and radical Islamic Terrorism are not given a chance to spread–where heroes are celebrated and the good guys win. You can have it. ( I don’t think it would spread as fast as the coronavirus did…)…

That is the life, that is the country, that is the world that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are after. And yes, you can have it. Because unlike Joe Biden and the radical Left Democrats, our Party is open to everyone. ( if your white and racist )…Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle got the memo and yelled her speech to America, yelled to an empty hall: “This election is a battle for the soul of America. Your choice is clear, do you support the cancel culture, the cosmopolitan elites of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden, who blame America first? Do you think America is to blame?!” 

Democrats “want to destroy this country, and everything that we have fought for and hold dear.” They want to “steal your liberty, your freedom” and “control what you see and think and believe so they can control how you live!”…( how do they do that?…control what you think?…trump already control’s what we see…it doesn’t work though…you can’t rewrite history…we have him on tape…and we remember…most notable, no mention of the coronavirus except that how great trump’s response was…which was a month too late and a $1.00 short…they added to closing China, other coronavirus hot spots…nice try, but a giant lie…

the first night was riddled with blatant untruths…aka lies…and more mis-information, first of all about Biden and secondly, about Covit-19…trump trying to rewrite history…”it is what it is” with 177,000 deaths in the last 6 months…no mention of of our dearly departed…our loved ones…and lies about health care…

the bottom line…the cult of trump…clearly the Republicans are trying to keep their base…the Republican Party has no platform…we’ll have to wait for their platform in 2024…tonight, all propaganda…all gas lighting…the cult of trump…the meltdown of the grand old party…all bending their knee to the leader… donald manson…kneel down and kiss his fat butt…and that party can’t run there fast enough…they want us to disregard trump’s response to the pandemic…like what he said…it would just go away…poof… they want us to disregard the last three and a half years…all this while Eric Trump is being subpoenaed…trump’s sister and Michael Cohen tell us he can’t be trusted…and he lies ( like a rug )…and Bannon joins the elite group of what Chris Hayes calls “all the president’s mess”…don’t make me laugh…pleads “non guilty”…are you listening donald…I’m hoping for a pardon…just like Stone…flush the TURD November Third…

the party of trump is down to voter suppression and FEAR…to reinforce beware and be afraid of Biden’s America, they’re coming for your suburbs…can you believe the McCloskeys…Mark and Patricia…that St. Louis couple brandishing rifle and gun to the “violent mob”…outside their door…the event took all of twelve minutes on June 28…but bottom line…from a BBC article by Jessica Lussenhop: “On 10 July, city police searched and seized both of the guns from the couple. About a month later, St Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner charged both with “unlawful use of a weapon”, which is a felony. The complaint said that both had displayed their semi-automatic weapons “readily capable of lethal use, in an angry or threatening manner”…the McCloskeys said: “Not a single person in the out-of-control mob you saw at our house was charged with a crime. But you know who was? We were. They’ve actually charged us with a felony for daring to defend our home.”… the article is rather long…if you’re interested enough, google the BBC article by Jessica Lussenhop: “Mark and Patricia McCloskey: What really went on in St Louis that day?”…( but just to let you know about the McCloskey’s, I will print from the article about the McCloskey’s…welcome to their neighborhood, “it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhoop…won’t you be mine, won’t you be my neighbor…)…”The McCloskeys own a personal injury law firm together, and claim that in their work they have defended the civil rights of their clients. Currently, Mark McCloskey is representing a client in a federal police brutality suit.

However, according to court documents and other media reports, the McCloskeys’ residency on Portland Place has, at times, been contentious.

In a piece for the St Louis Post-Dispatch, investigative journalist Jeremy Kohler detailed a long list of alleged legal battles Mark McCloskey has waged against his neighbours, colleagues, and even his own father and sister, mostly over matters to do with property.

In one court filing, they are said to admit to using a gun to force a fellow resident of Portland Place off of a patch of grass they claimed to own because he “refused to heed the McCloskeys’ warnings to stay off such property”.

According to Kohler’s reporting, the McCloskeys also sued the trustees to enforce the neighbourhood ( BBC English spelling of neighborhood ) rules that said only married couples could live there.

In one of the stranger reported conflicts, Kohler found the McCloskeys destroyed beehives along the outside of their northern wall that were placed there by the neighbouring synagogue as a part of their childrens’ programming. “The children were crying,” the rabbi told Kohler.”…trump retweeted video of the confrontation and later commented that the McCloskeys were going to be “beat up badly, if they were lucky”.”…so trump thought to himself…I have them come and speak at the convention…what a great idea!…flush the TURD November Third…and sadly, another black man shot in the back seven times by the police in Kenosha, Wisconsin…you think the police would lay low for a while?…

found a nickel and a penny on my mile walk today…

The Brother Grim

I know I preach to the choir…we see for ourselves what an evil man trump is…how cruel he is…how corrupt he is…we know about that donald from what we all know and see…one of my favorite activities…trump bashing… but we have to take notice when his niece tells us about him in her book… and what would she tell him now…”resign”…it ain’t gonna happen…now e have his sister speaking frankly with her niece…first of all, confirming that trump paid someone to take his SATs…how he got into Penn…and we wouldn’t put it passed him…he is a cheat…he cheats…with no compunction and no accounting…the Republicans made sure of that…trump’s sister criticized her brother…reported first by the Washington Post…”Donald’s out for Donald,”…we know that for sure…she called him “cruel”…”It’s the phoniness of it all. It’s the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel”…we know that for sure…”His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God, I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”…we know that for sure…20,000 lies and they keep coming…The Washington Post has been keeping track…Maryanne trump, her brother is a “cruel” liar who has “no principles” and cares only about himself…we know that for ourselves…and we have backup testimonials for Michael Cohen who will release his book in September… also from Anthony Scaramucci, trump’s communications director for about a minute…and lately Miles Taylor, former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff…who finally had enough…throwing their support to Biden…we also remember Rex Tillerson telling us what a “bleep moron” trump is…John Kelly calling trump “an idiot”…can’t wait to hear what trump’s children speak about their father…are we going to hear how wonderful he is?…during the Republican convention…try not to throw up!…will Tiffany speak?…who is Tiffany?…oh, she’s trump’s kid from his second wife, Marla Maples…so Maryanne trump tells us how she feels about the brother grim…who has been so preoccupied with his predecessor… Barack Obama…blaming Obama for whatever…of course, they are baseless…like trump tweeting as Obama gave his rousing speech at the unconventional convention…tweeting how “Obama spied on his campaign, and got caught”…of course, that has been debunked…and I read this, a tweet from Mr. H…I don’t know who he is, but he gave me a laugh!…”How do you get trump to change a light bulb.? just tell him President Obama put it in..!!”…

everyday gives us a reason to flush the TURD November Third…

It’s All In the Numbers

Nancy Pelosi’s House passed a $25 Billion bill to fund the immensely popular United State Post Office…it was a bi-partisan bill with 26 Republicans joining the Democrats, the vote was  257-150…aren’t we all pulling for the Post Office?…Doris has yet to get a letter I sent her over two weeks ago…I sent it on a Tuesday and the postmistress told me it would be there on Saturday…this is the second Saturday that has come and gone…the Senate and Moscow Mitch has no intention of passing this bill, it probably will sit in Moscow Mitch’s circular file…and in the event the Senate would pass it, trump would veto…just as a matter of course in his war on mail-in voting…his latest voter suppression…at the same time, Louis DeJoy, trump’s pick for postmaster has been doing his part to undermine the Post Office and the smooth sailing of our mail…before a friendly Republican majority Senate committee said he would back off from from some of his planned changes but no promise to put back the post boxes already taken away across the country and put back the sorting machines, some of which were dismantles…a skeleton of their former selves…DeJoy told Senator Gary Peters of Michigan that he had no intention of putting back the sorting machines…”they’re not needed sir”…these machines sort something like 39,000 barcoded pieces of mail an hour…but “they’re not needed sir”…raise you hand if you believe this guy…not reversing the damage already done… which would be 4.5 million pieces of mail a week…but “they’re not needed sir”…DeJoy will virtually be in front of the House Committee on Monday…I hope he’ll get a grilling…and not take any answers like “they’re not needed sir”…or madam as the case may be…meanwhile no talks have been happening for weeks now…even though the House Democrats passed their $3.4 trillion bill in May…just stuck as Moscow Mitch’s toilet paper…what a piece of you know what…get him out of there too…so I wonder if the Republican convention will have all 10 of trump’s cronies that have been indicted and/or convicted speak at the convention…it’s said trump will be speaking every night…all 4 nights…he has a lot of bashing to do…I read a fact checking trump article…is there anything he says true?…I don’t think so…especially on this PolitiFact site…all false statements…and they’re were many…Says President Barack Obama “spied on my campaign, and got caught!”…FALSE…The coronavirus has seen a “big surge in New Zealand. It’s terrible. We don’t want that.”…FALSE…“In California, Democrats have intentionally implemented rolling blackouts.”…FALSE…“Our (COVID-19) numbers are better than almost all countries.”…FALSE…“The Democrats don’t want to do anything having to do with protecting people from eviction.”…FALSE…Children are “almost immune from this disease.”… FALSE…“Joe Biden is absolutely on board with defunding the police.”… FALSE…Absentee voting is different from mail-in voting and has more protections against fraud.…FALSE…“We have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world” from COVID-19.…FALSE…Says Joe Biden plans to “mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices and all new buildings by 2030. That basically means no windows, no nothing.”…FALSE… Under Joe Biden’s policy, immigrants in the country illegally “get welfare benefits. United States citizens don’t get what they’re looking to give illegal immigrants.”…FALSE…Says 99% of COVID-19 cases “are totally harmless.”… FALSE…COVID-19 cases are “up only because of our big number testing.”… FALSE…“Joe Biden and the Democrats want to prosecute Americans for going to church, but not for burning a church.”…FALSE…“President Obama and Vice President Biden never even tried to fix this (police reforms) during their eight-year period.”…FALSE…“Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment … Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?”…FALSE…Says Joe Biden wants to “defund the police.”…FALSE…“If you look at the one (hydroxychloroquine) survey, the only bad survey, they were giving it to people that were in very bad shape. They were very old. Almost dead.”… FALSE…“Germany and the United States are the two best in deaths per 100,000 people, which, frankly, to me, that’s perhaps the most important number there is.”…FALSE…Says Joe Biden has “written a letter of apology” for calling Trump’s travel restrictions from China “xenophobic.”…FALSE… Says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deleted a video of her telling people to go to Chinatown.…FALSE…“It is the decision of the President,” not governors, to “open up the states.”…FALSE…With voting by mail, “you get thousands and thousands of people sitting in somebody’s living room, signing ballots all over the place.”…FALSE…“We’ve done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks.”…FALSE…Says N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo “rejected buying recommended 16,000 ventilators in 2015 for the pandemic, for a pandemic, established death panels and lotteries instead. So, he had a chance to buy, in 2015, 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down.”…FALSE…The WHO coronavirus test “was a bad test.”…FALSE…The health insurance industry has “agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments.”…FALSE…The Obama administration “didn’t do anything about” swine flu.…FALSE…“The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing” on the coronavirus.…FALSE…“Years of economic decay are over” because Trump “reversed the failed economic policies of the previous administration.”…FALSE…“The Democrat controlled House never even asked John Bolton to testify.”…FALSE…Says House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff “made up the conversation. He lied. If he didn’t do that in the halls of Congress, he’d be thrown in jail. He did it in the halls of Congress, he’s given immunity.”…FALSE…“Today I opened a major Apple Manufacturing plant in Texas that will bring high paying jobs back to America.”…FALSE…“Fact: Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire its prosecutor …. Fact: the prosecutor said he was forced out for leading a corruption probe into Hunter Biden’s company. Fact: Democrats want to impeach President Trump for discussing this investigation with Ukraine’s President.”  …FALSE…“Longstanding whistleblower rules (were changed) just before submittal of the fake whistleblower report.”  …FALSE…“Yesterday we had the strongest dollar in the history of our country.”…FALSE…Says Joe Biden “said he never spoke to the Ukrainian company, and then the picture came out where he was playing golf with the company boss and Hunter” Biden.…FALSE…Says Pennsylvania chemical plant and Louisiana liquified natural gas plant “could never have happened” without his administration.…FALSE… Democrats “want virtual immunity for illegal aliens who have created horrible crimes and murder.”  …FALSE…U.S. farmers are receiving $16 billion “out of the tariffs that we’ve gotten from China.”…FALSE…Says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “called our country and our people garbage.”… FALSE…Says that when his supporters chanted “send her back” about Ilhan Omar, he stopped it.…FALSE…“The Obama administration was begging for a meeting” with Kim Jong Un.  …FALSE…“We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions, very importantly.”…FALSE…Tariffs are “paid for mostly by China, by the way, not by us.”…FALSE…“The FBI said (former national security adviser Michael Flynn) wasn’t lying.”…FALSE…“The Democrat(ic) position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth.”…FALSE…California’s deadly wildfires “would never happen” with “proper Forest Management.”…FALSE…


really, it just goes on and on, one FALSE statement after another…does he ever say anything truthful?…flush the TURD November Third…

Are You Kidding Me?

while Biden will lead us into the light…trump heads toward the darkness… to the start of the “republican convention” next week…first Charlotte, North Carolina was to host…but trump picked up his marbles ( that had dropped out of his head ) and headed to Jacksonville, Florida where they would allow him to have his big hoopla he craves…Charlotte’s sin?…Democratic Governor Roy Cooper told trump “no!”…you have to wear masks and social distance…so even as Florida’s cases of Covid-19 were spiking…15,000 new cases a day…but a friendlier atmosphere from trump ally Governor De Santis…trump said he would move the convention to Jacksonville…then 86 year old Chuck Grassley said he wouldn’t be going…rats jumping shit?…I mean ship?…but it quickly became clear they would require masks and social distancing, would be needed in Jacksonville as well…after Jacksonville had enticed the convention with “come on down, the weather’s fine”…and we have the “VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena, and other venues in Jacksonville which could be used, including TIAA Bank FieldDaily’s Place121 Financial Park, and “several other” venues”….come on down, Covid-19 is fine…maybe!…oh, and we can use cruise ships as hotels…won’t that be fun?…so back to the drawing board…trump thought the White House would be a nice backdrop…we don’t have to pay for the White House lawn…or at least, the venue for his “acceptance speech”…are you kidding me?…but trump decided to choose the D.C. venue…around the corner from the trump Post Office hotel…where he hiked the room rent by 60%… upwards of $800…cumshaw anyone?…I wonder, are Jr. and Eric and Ivanka and Jared going to be there?…apparently we have no idea what the “republican convention” will be like…we do know Moscow Mitch will not speak, he’s too busy running for re-election…yes running as much as the tortoise can run…I’ve been sending Amy McGrath $5.00 here and there…she has a good chance of winning and ending Moscow Mitch’s evil agenda…but we do know that trump will be nominated in Charlotte…the gop is contractually obligated to conduct its official business in Charlotte…300 delegates will attend…maskless?…who knows…they are required to wear masks and social distance…the main speeches will speak between 8:30 and 11:00…the headliners, whoever they are will speak at 10:00…and the speeches will take place in the “central hub” in DC…sorry Jacksonville…no marbles for you…Melania will speak…she probably will not plagiarize Michelle Obama’s speech like she did last time…I do believe she’s smart enough to learn from her mistakes…although, she is still married to the TURD…Pence will speak…probably tell us about the virus that “a miracle is around the corner” as he told us today…the miracle being that suckers will happily pay for a room or two at the trump hotel..others scheduled to speak: “The following people are also scheduled to speak, although when has not yet been disclosed

  • Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who were charged for waving guns at Black Lives Matter protesters, who marched near their property. ( are you kidding me?…that should be fun, uniting America )
  • Nicholas Sandmann, a Kentucky teen whose interaction with a Native American on the National Mall went viral last year.
  • South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem ( she tell us trump will not be having his face on Mt. Rushmore – butt maybe his fat butt )
  • Pennsylvania congressional candidate Sean Parnell, who is challenging Democratic star Rep. Conor Lamb (Pa.) in November.
  • former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley ( pivot anyone? remember she told us “Donald Trump is everything I taught my children not to do in kindergarten”…are you kidding me? )
  • House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
  • Florida Lt. Gov. Jeanette Núñez
  • Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.) ( yeah, send out the only Black Senator to plead your case…he’ll tell us how great trump is )
  • Sen. Joni Ernst (Iowa) ( she needs to call attention to her ass kissing of trump?…I don’t think so )
  • Alice Marie Johnson, whose life sentence Trump commuted after lobbying by Kim Kardashian West ( I can’t keep up ! but nice of Kim )
  • Jared Kushner, Trump’s son in law and top aide. ( he’ll be the guy speaking while stuffing dollar bills into his pockets )

ready?…can’t wait to see or hear the the star-studded event…and how perfect is it on the day that Biden is taking us into the light…Bannon is arrested on a Chinese billionaire’s yacht…pleading “non guilty” and trump telling us his usual disclaimer…”he worked for the campaign for a short time and he worked for Goldman Sachs and I have seen or talked to him since the campaign”…and he didn’t know about the We Build the Wall campaign…are you kidding me?…all of which was contradicted by Kris Kobach who said trump gave his blessings…Bannon speaks to trump every once in a while…Kobach and Erik Prince are on the Board of We Build the Wall…nice bunch of I don’t know what…crooks comes to mind…really, are you kidding me?…

today I felt like the let down you have after a fun weekend, or when the holidays are over or when the Olympics are over…I couldn’t stop falling asleep…but I read that the Democrats raised $70 Million during the unconventional convention…that made me feel better…my $10 dollars put them over the top…college students partying and spreading the virus…for smart people, they’re awfully dumb…open schools up…then shut them down…notably Notre Dame is an open and shut case…are you kidding me?…and then all the cases spiking linked to the biker rally in South Dakota…of course, across state lines…that biker rally was a super spreader event…and Louis DeJoy telling us the sorting machines dismantled or removed are not needed…and promising no transparency…wait until he’s in front of the House…and then there’s Alezey Navalny, Putin’s opposition leader in a coma after probably being poisoned…he has been flown to Germany after delays…say a prayer for Navalny…and crickets from trump…aside from all the horrors happening, trump’s plan is to bash the Democrats…plus continues to bash mail-in voting…plans to send sheriffs, attorney generals to polling places as another way to suppress the vote…are you kidding me?…no talk of this at the convention…he’ll tell us about his great economy…really?…and with a 2016 replay…of bashing the Democrats, which is not working for him…who talks about suburban housewives?…it’s not the 50’s…we’ll have to see their rebuttal…it will be interesting to hear the their platform…the recycled platform…they got nothing…what are they going to tell us?…how great the party is…come on in, the water is fine…will they tell us about their judges?…probably…will they tell us about the tax breaks they gave to the top 1%?…maybe…but not in those words…not truthfully…they will tell us about that great economy…the he did it once and he can do it again while we’re dying right and left and millions are out of work…and Republicans are hiding in their bunkers not addressing the pandemic and the economy…trump keeps telling us he inherited a mess…whereas the truth is he inherited a rising economy that he ran into the ground…but we’ll see how he spins…everything trump touches dies…as Rick Wilson truthfully tells us…I’m exhausted…stay tuned…flush the TURD November Third…

oh, by the way…Brian Stelter’s book Hoax, donald trump Fox News and the dangerous distortion of truth…about the book coming out Tuesday just in time for the second night of the “convention” : “While other leaders were marshaling resources to combat the greatest pandemic in modern history, President Donald Trump was watching TV. Trump watches over six hours of Fox News a day, a habit his staff refers to as “executive time.” In January 2020, when Fox News began to downplay COVID-19, the President was quick to agree. In March, as the deadly virus spiraled out of control, Sean Hannity mocked “coronavirus hysteria” as a “new hoax” from the left. Millions of Americans took Hannity and Trump’s words as truth—until some of them started to get sick.

In Hoax, CNN anchor and chief media correspondent Brian Stelter tells the twisted story of the relationship between Donald Trump and Fox News. From the moment Trump glided down the golden escalator to announce his candidacy in the 2016 presidential election to his acquittal on two articles of impeachment in early 2020, Fox hosts spread his lies and smeared his enemies. Over the course of two years, Stelter spoke with over 250 current and former Fox insiders in an effort to understand the inner workings of Rupert Murdoch’s multibillion-dollar media empire. Some of the confessions are alarming. “We don’t really believe all this stuff,” a producer says. “We just tell other people to believe it.”

At the center of the story lies Sean Hannity, a college dropout who, following the death of Fox News mastermind Roger Ailes, reigns supreme at the network that pays him $30 million a year. Stelter describes the raging tensions inside Fox between the Trump loyalists and the few remaining journalists. He reveals why former chief news anchor Shep Smith resigned in disgust in 2019; why a former anchor said “if I stay here I’ll get cancer;” and how Trump has exploited the leadership vacuum at the top to effectively seize control of the network.

Including never before reported details, Hoax exposes the media personalities who, though morally bankrupt, profit outrageously by promoting the President’s propaganda and radicalizing the American right. It is a book for anyone who reads the news and wonders: How did this happen?” …another reason to flush the TURD November Third…