Woke Up From Crazy Dreams

I have had dreams of Nancy in the last six years…but not for a long time until today…a short dream…I was in this bed here…the bed is up against the wall but in my dream it was not and I woke to Nancy lying on the floor…I hear noise and I look over the bed…I see Nancy on her back…I ask “Nancy did you fall off the bed?…all she says is “help me up”…then I quickly transfer to Rachel’s kitchen in Chevy Chase, Maryland…I’m in her kitchen which is not her kitchen…she is sitting at the table reading a newspaper…it’s filled with stuff…I’m watching her pour water from a plastic pitcher with a turquoise ring around the top…I notice it’s steaming…it’s hot…Denis is standing at the end of two racks of clothing…he is silent…the racks are near me, close enough to touch…mostly yellow, quilted coats amid other garments, mostly navy blue…I ask Rachel…”what are they for?”…pulling on a sleeve toward her…she tells me “they are for the refugees”…I accept the answer…I am now on the other side of the table near the plastic container…I ask if I can make a cup of coffee…she says “of course”…I climb over the table to search for a cup…I’m looking for a big white cup… like the ones here…but I have to move things around…there is a big…I mean big…a dense foam Porky Pig on the tables…bridged together by planks…I decide to move the pig…I put it on my back and carry it into the living room which is empty…I set it down in the middle of the hardwood floor…after a minute or two I decide I have a lot of nerve to move the pig…so I put it on my back again to carry back to the kitchen…Rachel has cleaned up a little…I have to put the planks back between the tables…I stand the pig back on the tables…I still haven’t found a cup for my coffee…I ask Rachel if she’s annoyed I moved the pig…she says “what do you think?” answering my question with a question…I think to myself…I think I took liberties…I think “I’m sorry about that”…crazy…dreams…

last Tuesday I walked to the trash cans to throw away plastic containers…hanging pots from years past…long overdue…I was headed out…I usually put the stuff in my car and drive over there…a short distance…but I decided to walk…I have a favorite trash can for plastic and glass…but I chose the one next to my favorite…opening the lid with my left hand…a black flying insect stung me under my arm near my elbow…I had invaded it’s space…or at least it’s watering/eating hole…it hurt like hell…really stung…I walked back to my apartment to get a piece of ice…ice helps mosquito bites…relieves the pain…as this did for a short time…meanwhile, it’s five days later and my arm has gone from red and itchy…two marks like miniature vampire marks…it got worst before it got better…still bad but has turned the corner…on the mend…but what an unusual bite or sting, not sure what…felt like a sting…but didn’t look like a sting…anyway it’s been a little ordeal…I should have thrown those plastic pots out last year instead of hiding them behind my hedges…according to my “everything happens for a reason” theory…I’m not sure what the reason for the bite/sting was…

I slept until 1:30…Elissa wondered if I was still alive…they had lived a lifetime before I got up…they were hanging out at the pool…it was a sunny day…warm…77 degrees in The Hamptons today…we had a lazy Sunday until around 3:30…on the road to go tour Willem DeKooning’s house here in the Hamptons…beautiful house but we missed the open…we walked around anyway…then Jed took us to Longhouse…a sculpture garden…a amazing place…very well manicured lawns, dotted with sculpture…a small lily pond…house probably could be rented for wedding or otherwise…then to town so Elissa could shop at her favorite store…Henry Lehr…she stopped there last week, scoping out the place and merchandise…today she went prepared to buy a little something…Jed and I walked to a gallery nearby…beautiful stuff…then we walked to the movie to see what time Dunkirk was playing…7:10 and 10:10…went to look at the menu at Rowdy Hall…doing our own scoping out for later…walked back to the shop…Elissa still trying on chic garments…she promised she would not buy another white tee or blouse…knowing her tendency…staying true to her word…we did go to Rowdy Hall’s…burger for me and Jed…chicken wings to share and Elissa and I shared a walnut, blue cheese, endive salad…she choosing fried oyster sliders…then on to Scoop Du Jour for what else?…ice cream…sitting on the bench eating okay ice cream…cash only…then home for an hour before coming back to the movies…I know I saw Dunkirk before…but I did want to see it again…as we were leaving the house Jed couldn’t find his wallet…a little metal case which holds his license and credit cards… it’s actually a calling card carrier…we searched the sofa…and the car, then Jed thought he maybe left it at the ice cream store…went there, still open but no one had turned it in…looked around the bench where we sat…went to where the car was parked earlier…not there…so the tragedy could wait…on to the movies…to my surprise, the little theater is a Regal…got a free small popcorn…which we upgraded…got a drink and settled in for Dunkirk…still as good as the first time I saw it…loved it the second time…when we got home we looked around where we park the car…no metal case…inside looking again in and around the sofa where Jed had sat…lo and behold it was there…under the sofa… halleluia…halleluia…halleluia, halleluia, halleluia…all’s well that ends well…kind of like waking from a dream and being relieved that it was a dream…crazy or otherwise…

Warren Zevon

Warren Zevon’s songs remind me of many things…The Werewolves of London…”I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand…walking through the streets of SoHo in the rain…he was looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook’s…gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein”…you know I love Chinese food…in my case chicken chow mein…here in The Hamptons Warren’s song, send Lawyers, Guns and Money…but, in fact, skip the lawyers and guns…just send money…I thought New York City was expensive… doesn’t even come close…food…ca ching…restaurant…ca ching…walking, breathing…ca ching…if you just want to look… ca ching…we stay up late and then sleep late…this morning woke at 11:00…forced myself up in order to make breakfast…brunch…made a fritata…and bacon…we waited for Jed to awaken before baking…how delicious was our brunch?… delicious…everyone took outside showers…such a luxury…so luxurious…we scampered to leave the house at 2:00ish, to go exploring…to different ocean beaches…large homes behing 8 foot manicured hedges…whose property stretches to the ocean…then gallery hopping…Rental…Harper’s Books…lovely galleries with striking art…Rental had, front and center, a painting that caught my eye…it was by the same woman who had taken the first place prize at the National Portrait Gallery’s portrait competition…the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition 2016…the winner was Amy Sherald. a Baltimore painter…her portrait called Miss Everything won her $25,000 and a commission to create a portrait of a living individual for the museum’s permanent collection…I’m told she will paint a portrait of Michelle Obama…I told she only paints five painting a year they are so painstaking…only 43 artists were chosen from over 2,500 entries…that’s how striking her portrait was…I knew this painting in the Gallery was by the same artist…anyway, it made my day…along with a painting by Colescott back and center…this gallery was next door to a nursery/flower show…the most beautiful plants…each one better than the next…we had a pleasant day walking around, in and out, then all of a sudden it was four in the afternoon, not hard when you start out at 2:00ish…Jed wanted to take me to the Jackson Pollock House…it closed at 5:00…we rush there…a bit out of town…I read Jackson bought this house and acreage for $5,000… probably worth a million today…this is where Life Magazine came to interview him and see his technique…for the Life magazine of August 1949…as seen in the movie Pollock with Ed Harris ( playing Jackson ) and Marcia Gay Harden ( who won Supporting Oscar playing Lee Krasner )…from 2000….she lived there for 28 years after Jackson was killed in a car accident…drunk driving…in 1956…then donated the property as a museum…his studio still stands…you must remove your shoes and wear little booties to walk on his spattered floor…his footprints and toe prints visible here and there…it was an experience…we met a friend of Jed’s there, along with her mother…we met later at the house for drinks and snacks before going on to dinner…we stopped to get provisions for our company…cheese, crackers…assorted…fruit…grapes and peaches…hummus…we layed out a nice spread…getting to know the Mom…from Texas…we went on to dinner…dinner at 9:00…continental, which turned into 10:00…we walked to another restaurant because the wait was too long…like I said…expensive…just send money….back at the house to relax and digest…and snooze before blogging…so ends this excitable boy’s day…you might get an email asking you to send money because I’m stranded in Long Island without my maxed out credit card…or any money…again, forget about the lawyers and guns, just send money…signed…poor, poor, pitiful me…

Riding Around

my day started with sun…streaming into my room…then oatmeal on the deck…laced with blueberries, bananas and strawberries…delicious…then a shower…in the outdoor shower…nothing could be finer…then a outdoor shower…as I said, nothing could be finer…Jed took us for a ride…around Long Island…to his favorite beach, one of them…he took us to The Art Barge…Victor D’Amico Institute of Art…where they have classes and art shows and guest speakers…notably David Salle who “defined post modern sensibility”… it was an interesting place…people were just finishing up painting…some were doing watercolors…it overlooks the bay…nearby is The Lobster Roll where Noah meets Alison for the first time in the Showtime series The Affair…filmed in and around Montauk… all the way to the end of Long Island…that’s where Montauk is located…the very tip of Long Island…a charming town with motels and restaurants and shops and also Gurneys, an exclusive resort…on the ocean side…at the very end of the Island is the Lighthouse… it is the 1796 Montauk Point Lighthouse…there’s a museum in the keeper’s house, which was closed when we got there, toward the end of the day…apparently there are historical documents signed by George Washington…Camp Hero State Park, once a military base, has WWII bunkers ( just like Peaks Island ) and a radar tower…we walked to the beach and around the Lighthouse on giant rocks put there to stave off erosion…some poor woman dropped her phone into the rocks…my guess is she dropped it while taking a picture…I wonder if she ever recovered it…along the way we failed to have lunch… oatmeal does “stick to your ribs” as my Mom used to say…around five, before we went to the Lighthouse, Jed took us to “lunch”…actually “linner” at The Crow’s Nest”…expensive fair in a beautiful setting…beautiful and expensive…it was sunny all day…not excessively hot or humid…from Montauk you can take a ferry to Block Island…that’s Rhode Island…if you look at a map Montauk is parallel to New London, Connecticut…amazing how North we are…in 1992 Nancy and I went to Block Island with Sandy and Harvey and Margie and Alan…I had a motor bike accident there…messed up my left knee…I had a hole in my knee for weeks…I was just one of many motor bike accidents on Block Island…still have scar on my left knee…I stay off bikes now…don’t have any knees left…I had my first bike accident…the bike went out from under me on gravel in 1962…still have scar on my right knee…I joke that I’m due for another bike accident in 2022…like I said, I stay off bikes now…Jed took us to a beach on the bay side to watch the sunset…didn’t look like it would be momentous…too many clouds in the distance…but it turned out to be so beautiful…in the meantime, I got a text from CNN…Reince Priebus is ousted…didn’t we know his days were so numbered?…but who knew he would be out before Sessions?…he didn’t have the luxury of refusing to leave…again, so much for loyalty in the trump administration…after his tweeted ouster, Priebus out, Kelly in…more tweet…trump thanked him for “his service and dedication”…”Reince of 200 days”…at least he left with his head on…it wasn’t bitten off by “the Mooch”…”his brother”…or wasn’t it?…trump himself was riding around Long Island today also, giving a speech to combat the violence of the MS-13 gang…and thanks all law enforcement…

Have You Ever Been In The Hamptons?

well I have…as of today…the Hamptons…doesn’t that just bring to mind ritziness…( if that’s even a word )…it is ritzy here…just the mere mention of the Hampstons…I was surprised with an invitation to spent the weekend in The Hamptons…I jumped at the chance…I have never been in The Hamptons…I don’t know The Hamptons…and whatever my preconceived notion was…the reality is never the fantasy…and truthfully…I didn’t know what I thought…it’s kind of a combination of Bar Harbour, Maine…and the suburbs of Connecticut…very woodsy…lots of pine trees and trees in general…the towns…namely Sag Harbor is like Long Beach Island that I know…bay on one side and ocean on the other…but charming and ritzy…lovely shops and restaurants…years ago, I went to The Cape…Cape Cod…large dunes…you couldn’t walk to the beach…you had to drive…The Cape is the beach for Bostonians…Long Beach Island and Atlantic City, Margate, Marvin Gardens…does that sound familiar?…the Monopoly Board properties…that’s the “shore” for Philadelphia and environs…The Hamptons is for the “well to do” of New York, Seinfeld, Bill Joel, Spielberg have homes here…maybe even several…and so, fill your pockets and your wallets with paper bills and with credit cards with credit limits to spare in order to play here…I have to admit, I walked into the Shop and Save market… Northwest cherries were on sale for $3.99 a pound…not the dark red ones but the yellow red ones…apparently more dear than dark red ones…good marketing…but they are sweeter… comparable to Elkins Park or Jenkintown…and every year I vow to eat as many cherries as I can…I do pretty well in that promise to myself…brought some with me in my handy dandy cooler…we had an expensive lunch today… late lunch, close to four…a lunch for 3 which cost 20 times what I usually paid for my Elkins Park lunch…you know, my baloney on a Kaiser with yellow mustard and cheese and extra lettuce…I walked into a gallery…there, on the back wall…was an actual Alex Katz painting…I don’t think I have ever seen an Alex Katz painting outside of a museum… most recently at the Portland Museum of Art…they also had a Fernando Botero…a large drawing of his typical woman…buxon…very nice…so art abounds here…also, lots of boats, yachts tied up in the harbor…I’m fortunate to know people who have second homes elsewhere…like Keith on Peaks Island, Maine…( not as fortunate as Doris however…she is currently in Vermont )… Elissa’ son owns a home here in the Hamptons…it was used  a lot when they lived in New York City…but a number of years ago, they moved to Los Angeles…his job called to move there…this house became a weekend retreat for his brother…he took care of it…and so, as all good things come to an end, the house was sold and settlement is near…quick come here before it’s all over but the crying…and so, we’re here…set my alarm for 8:00 this morning…but as usual was awake before that…listening to Morning Joe and all the backlash to trump’s latest stupid venture…I had packed last night…just needed to pack my pills and dob kit this morning after shaving and showering…Elissa picked me up promply at 9:30 and off we went on our adventure…first to New York City to pick up Jed, then on to The Hamptons…on to Long Island…Jed pointed out, to the left, the World’s Fair of ’64-’65 location…which I attended…I met Doris there…I first saw the Mona Lisa there and also Michelangelo’s La Pieta…it was in the Vatican’s exhibit…built in Flushing Meadows, where the U.S. Tennis Open is played, I guess not much was there in 1964…lots of land, it covered 646 acres…the theme of the Fair was “Peace Through Understanding”, and dedicated to “Man’s Achievement on a Shrinking Globe in an Expanding Universe”… sounds impressive…American companies dominated the exposition…American companies dominated the exposition, there was 140 exhibitors…the theme was symbolized by a 12-story-high, stainless-steel model of Earth called the Unisphere… still standing and visible there… the fair did not receive official sanctioning from the Bureau of International Expositions…but I guess it didn’t matter…it was built on the footprint of the 1939 New York Fair…I did not attend that one…I wasn’t born yet…ha ha…anyway…Jed drove and gave me the opportunity to view everything on our way…we passed through Sag Harbor on our way to the house…only to double back for our expensive lunch…only later to go food shopping…for provisions for the weekend…tonight a delicious dinner of Elissa’s chicken wings…baked to perfection and a green salad of my making…we ate at 10:30…very Continental…it’s lovely here and I highly recommend getting yourself here…but bring plenty of money…you know it makes the world go round…that clinking clanking sound…makes the world go round…it drives the Republicans to want to pass anything…throw millions off their healthcare…just so trump and themselves can claim a victory…poor ( only figuratively ) saps…didn’t pay much attention to the goings about on the D.C. or world stage today…too busy acquainting myself with The Hamptons…have you ever been to The Hamptons?…

Coming To A Head

isn’t interesting?…more like outrageous?…that Republicans from June 15, 2015 just swallowed trump’s every word and action?…some Republicans were “troubled” but then whatever it was decided it was okay…his words and actions…his ridiculing whoever was in his way…including women…Gold Star family…Senator McCain…and all those 17 Republicans who threw their hat into the ring…then he became their man…their candidate…they supposedly held their nose and voted for trump…never expecting him to win ( like the rest of us )…then he won and the Senate and House started salivating…and rubbing their hands together and saying “oh boy”…then with all the crap that trump has pulled…most notably firing FBI Director Comey…including today with his ban on transgenders in the military…( yet another slap to Obama )…not much outrage from the Republicans…it makes me sick to watch them defending trump…they lay down and let trump mow over them…”nice hair cut”…back in the 50’s it was called a “flat-top”…but, the BIG BUT… trump’s twitter attack on Sessions…poor, racist Sessions being publicly humiliated via trump’s twitter… poor, racist Sessions…Mr. Loyalty to trump from the beginning…this is what he gets for his “loyalty”…this is the “straw” for the Republicans?… there has been more outrage from the Republicans coming to the defense of Sessions… than anything else…forget about everything else, including the attack on our Democracy and colluding with the Russians…that was okay but don’t touch poor, racist Sessions… their “boy”…

and did you hear?…the money collected for trump’s re-election in 2020 is being used to defend Junior…paying for his lawyers…”make America poor again”…and Ivanka…she’s got herself a new lawyer…who represents her husband…Abbe Lowell, a D.C.-based attorney at the Norton Rose Fulbright firm…is he being paid by campaign funds also…one thing you can say…trump has put a bunch of lawyers to work…

it makes me feel good to watch the Republicans fail…thank The Force for those Republicans who are doing the right thing…and trump!…what comes to mind is trump declaring his candidacy…floating down and I emphasis down the escalator…it’s all coming to a head and trump will go down…

U n p r e c e d e n t e d

adjective…never done or known before…I am so sick of hearing this adjective referring to trump…referring to what he’s done…referring to what he’s said…the last straw…it seems we haven’t gotten to the last straw that breaks the back of Democracy…I don’t know what that straw is…we continue to hear nothing from Senate Republicans or House Republicans…they are so intent on getting their donors millions of dollars in tax breaks…they don’t care about the American people…trump continues to bully…to intimidate…to threaten…and Republicans stand silent…they only want trump to sign whatever they put in front of him…damn we the people…today Senator John McCain returned to the Senate to a standing ovation…he called for the return of regular order back into the Senate…to get back to public hearing…and more importantly, to discard passion for reason…evil Mitch McConnell has been chipping away at the rule of order… no one could stop him and he succeeded in his agenda…encouraged like trump, they, little by little, both chip away at our democracy…unprecedented…Bill Maher says the Democrats bring a knife to a gun fight…however, I’m bolstered by the crowds of people protesting…like what happened in Poland…I’m hoping that once and for all these zombie bills will die…and will we see the Republicans step up to the plate when trump appoints a new Attorney General who will fire Special Counsel Mueller…trump continues to dip his foot into the unprecedented pool…to test he water…he wants to see if the lifeguards will do anything for breaking the rules…unprecedented…

I wonder how much McCain’s operation cost…he has health care…as do all the senators and congressmen…they don’t have to worry about paying their health care bills, and yet they think it’s a great idea to take away health care for millions of Americans just to keep a “promise to the American people”…calling your attention to the famous deli scene in When Harry Met Sally…when Rob Reiner’s mother ordered…”I’ll have what she’s having.” from an article in The New Yorker by Jeffrey Frank titled On Health Care, We’ll have What Congress Is Having:

“In the fall of 1994, the Clinton Administration’s much debated comprehensive, and complicated, health-insurance bill—known derisively as Hillarycare—died quietly on Capitol Hill. It was a moment that, the Princeton sociologist Paul Starr later argued, would “go down as one of the great lost political opportunities in American history.” But, before the end, talk of another approach kept bubbling up: to allow those Americans who couldn’t get insurance elsewhere to buy a policy that was just as good, and inexpensive, as what members of Congress got. When Senator Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts, said that Americans should get “exactly what we have,” he meant the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.”

“The F.E.H.B.P., as it’s known, was started in 1959, a few years before Medicare, and was meant to cover some nine million government employees—civil-service workers, the courts, the Post Office, members of Congress, and more. It wasn’t a single plan but, rather, as a Times story put it, “a supermarket offering 300 private health plans.” (Even the right-learning Heritage Foundation called it “a showcase of consumer choice and free-market competition.”) One may get a sense of its scope and inclusiveness—its supermarket-ness—in the way that the Office of Personnel Management, which administers the program, explains  it to federal employees. Much of the program—for instance, the idea that no one can be refused, or charged more, for a preëxisting condition, or that dependents under twenty-six are covered—will sound familiar to anyone conversant with the most attractive parts of the Affordable Care Act.”

“In the summer of 1994, when the Clinton Administration struggled to win approval for its proposal, there were some signs of actual good will in Congress, along with the predictable determination to dynamite the whole idea. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a New York Democrat, wanted any insurer who sold policies to federal workers to offer the same thing to “civilians,” at a reasonable price. Bob Dole, a Kansas Republican and the Minority Leader, favored a scheme in which self-employed individuals and small businesses (employers of up to fifty workers) could buy the federal policy “at the same premium price.” There were several variations of this approach.”

“Then it all went bad, as it had gone bad since the days of the New Deal. Newt Gingrich, who was then the deputy Minority Leader of the House, warned President Clinton that he was endangering his entire agenda in the pursuit of health-care reform—in particular, Gingrich insisted that Clinton was risking a global trade agreement that was probably never in danger. (Someone probably can still explain that era’s excitement over the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, or gatt.) Dole by then had given up, and so had Congressman John Dingell, of Michigan, a Democrat, who had been pushing health-care reform since 1955 but eventually said that it was “time to give health-care reform a decent burial and provide for its rebirth.” Two months later, in the midterm elections, Democrats, although they managed to cling to the Senate, lost the House by the widest margin since the midterms of 1946; Gingrich was elected Speaker on the strength of his “Contract with America,” which made a number of promises that were impossible to keep, and in the process launched an era of rabid partisanship. The failure of health-care reform showed mostly that Democrats were a pushover party, with few sounding like Senator Bob Kerrey, of Nebraska, who said, “I’m not elected to read the polls and say the public wants me to give up.” The “rebirth” for which Dingell hoped would only come a decade and a half later, with the passage, in 2010, of the Affordable Care Act. For all its flaws, bumbled launch, and absence of Republican support, the A.C.A. has provided health insurance to some twenty million Americans who didn’t have it before. Republicans have been venomously eager to dismantle it ever since. Late last week, the Senate took a big step in that direction by passing a budget “blueprint” that will make it easy for Congress, controlled by Republicans, to repeal the act.” ( this was in January, 2017 )…

“If it’s sometimes hard to understand what makes Republican legislators so angry, here is a theory: their fury may not stem from some ungraspable principle, or hatred of President Obama’s historic victory (or of Obama himself), but, rather, from something personal, and selfish. Under the A.C.A., members of Congress, and congressional staff, among other Capitol Hill employees, were no longer eligible for the F.E.H.B.P. In the chilly language of government directives, the Office of Personnel Management Web site said that “Section 1312 of the Affordable Care Act requires that Members of Congress and their official staff obtain coverage by health plans created under the Affordable Care Act or coverage offered via an Affordable Insurance Exchange.”

“Ouch! In other words, the comfortable choices that were available for more than fifty years were suddenly transferred to the slightly murky passageways of Obamacare. And it follows that, if the Affordable Care Act is repealed, members of Congress would be able to return to the federal plan that they, like millions of federal employees, were so fond of. Twenty million other Americans won’t.”

“A better idea, though, might be to find a path (it won’t be easy, but it’s certainly easier than anything else that might be effective and that hundreds of legislators could ever agree upon) to finally offer the beloved, and by most accounts well-administered, federal plan to the rest of the uninsured nation. We can almost hear America demanding, “We want what they’re having.” If Congress is serious about repealing, and replacing, the act, then that’s the sort of replacement that almost anyone could live with.”

today…two of my nieces are having a birthday…first cousins…Abby and Janice…tomorrow is my niece Janae’s birthday…she is celebrating in Chicago…I send a hardy and warm Happy Birthday to You ( All )…Doris flew to Vermont…to visit Patty and Gary…to their “camp” near Burlington…Bernie Sanders country…and Pam is in New York, house and cat sitting for John and Mare…they are in Italy…still and all, I guess everyone is where they should be…even though we are living in unprecedented times…


I feel like the Democrats are like Harpo Marx…not being able to speak but trying to tell us we are in great danger, describing a large dog…and dragging out of Chico’s mouth Great Dane-ger…all the while making noises…and honking…we are, in fact, in great danger… our Democracy is in great danger…our laws and Constitution are in great danger…trump continues to “push the envelope”…undermining the Special Counsel…throwing his Attorney General under the bus in order or in hopes of Sessions resigning…so he could install a new Attorney General during the recess who would not need Senate confirmation and would not be recused in the Russia investigation…he would be his man and do his dirty work…and today making a political speech in front of the 2017 Boy Scouts Jamboree…always tooting his own horn…”did President Obama ever come to a Jamboree?”…”As the Scout Law says: ‘A Scout is trustworthy, loyal’—we could use some more loyalty, I will tell you that.”…the Boy Scout Pledge to “do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law,”…a Boy Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent…we teach our Boy Scouts not to grow up like trump…the Boy Scouts are devoted to service…to others…not trump’s self-service…do you remember during the campaign how trump said he was charitable?…it seems trump’s last interaction with the Boy Scouts was in 1989 we he donated to that cause…David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post was investigating trump’s charitable giving…trump’s Foundation gave $7.00 to the Boy Scouts…Junior was 11 that year…and $7.00 was the price of registering a new scout…

in Poland, the Polish President Andrzej Duda, a populist trying to put a strangle-hold on their Democracy… his party has the majority and sent a bill to essentially retire their Supreme Court Justices, and they could appoint their guys…their handpicked guys…President Duda is systematically trying to destroy Poland’s Democracy…hoping to become the strongman, a dictator…because of huge protests in the capital city of Warsaw and around the country…hordes of citizens took to the streets to protest against him signing that bill…Duda calling it a “reform”which would have given him sweeping powers over the Courts…the protesters were calling it the “beginning of the end of Democracy” in their Country…Duda’s Law and Justice Party the lower house had voted it through and the upper house approved the bill only after 16 hours of debate…it was simply a power grab rather than what the ruling right-wing Part repeatedy insisting that it was “simply carrying out needed judicial reform.”…much like the Republicans insisting they are “simply keeping their promise to the American people by repealing the Affordable Care Act, the disaster that is Obamacare”…in reality a huge tax cut for the rich and spitting in the face of we the people and our Democracy…and throwing 22 to 30 million off of their healthcare…we cannot let this happen…they are voting for a bill which no one knows what they are voting for…this zombie bill…God help us…

we are in great danger…

Wild, Art Imitates Life

Life imitates art…at the Philadelphia Museum of Art one of it’s current exhibition is Wild, the photographs of Michael “Nick” Nichols now through September 17…”This exhibition surveys the work of Michael “Nick” Nichols, who has explored the natural world for almost forty years. Nichols approaches photography with the serious purpose and derring-do ( action displaying heroic courage ) of an investigative journalist and the imaginative sweep of a master storyteller. These qualities, paired with his dogged patience, have resulted in an extraordinary body of photographs about the wild.”…the Museum has culled from it’s collection art which complements the photos of Mr. Nichols…the exhibition consists of five categories…Brutal Kinship:  in which Nick teamed with Jane Goodall…”In 1999 Nichols and Dr. Jane Goodall published Brutal Kinship, a book about human interaction with chimpanzees. It opens with photographs of chimps in the wild and then follows the authors as they visit places where chimps are sold, used as pets or performers, or act as medical test subjects.The concept of brutal kinship—our interdependence on and exploitation of the natural world—informs Nichols’s approach to everything he photographs. He argues we need the wild not only for its raw materials but also its dangers and beauty. For ages a force greater than any human endeavor, the wild now needs us to ensure its survival.”…Lions:  “To create an original project around lions, Nichols focused on two prides inhabiting distinct landscapes within the Serengeti: the savanna Vumbi pride and the woodland Barafu pride.”…Elephants:  “Nichols has photographed African elephants for more than twenty years. He spent months at Zakouma National Park at the outset of the current ivory crisis, and later worked at a research facility and an orphan elephant nursery. A selection of these photographs form Nichols’s book Earth to Sky: Among Africa’s Elephants, A Species in Crisis.”…Yellowstone: “In 2014 National Geographic asked Nichols to serve as field leader on a project in Yellowstone. He spent fifteen months there, getting to know its creatures, people, and landscapes. Nichols was galvanized by Yellowstone’s fundamental challenge: its existence as a wildlife preserve and its mandate to serve as a place “for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.”As a photographer, he is interested in both stories. As a conservationist, he advocates for finding new solutions to these competing needs, which are critical if we are to sustain Yellowstone, and places like it, for future generations.”… The Last Place on Earth:  “In 1999 Nichols and scientist J. Michael Fay began a journey on foot across an uninhabited corridor in Central Africa. For Fay the purpose of the 2000-mile trek, which he called the Megatransect, was to catalogue flora and fauna. Nichols accompanied him for five three-week stints as well as photographed the region on his own.Nichols and Fay named the resulting book The Last Place on Earth, a title chosen to convey the rarity of such a large expanse of undeveloped land. According to Nichols, the world needs more “last places,” lands where animals are truly wild.”…it’s truly a compelling exhibition…especially Brutal Kinship, which brings me to the film I last last week…War for the Planet of the Apes…the apes were more “human” than the humans… and how we use animals for our own purposes…notably chimpanzees…closest relative to us in the animal kingdom which we use as pets, for our entertainment and for medical research…one particular photo of Jane Goodall interacting with a chimpanzee who had been locked up for over forty years…names Gregoire…locked up in a cage at the Brazzaville Zoo in the Republic of the Congo for forty years before being rescued by staff of Goodall’s Institute…in their book Brutal Kinship Jane Goodall wrote “We humans are of course, unique, but we are not so different from the rest of the animal kingdom as we used to suppose:  the line between humans and other animals, once perceived as sharp, is blurred.  And this leads to a new humility, a new respect.”…for those of you who cannot attend this exhibition, I suggest going on the website of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, then click on Wild: Michael Nichols to read all about it and view some of his fantastic photos…in the Museum’s collection is a painting Reclining Nude by Tommy Dale Palmore…from 1976…I have known this painting for ages…and this painting influenced Michael Nichols

in his love of gorillas and by extension our ape cousins…

the Museum has an extensive, unrivaled collection of Marcel Duchamp…the Dadaist…the exhibit Marcel Duchamp and the Fountain Scandal there through December 3, 2017:  “One hundred years ago, Duchamp’s Fountain turned the art world upside down. Was it art? A hoax? Join us as we celebrate the centennial of the provocative and influential work that changed the course of modern art.”…Friday night before going to see Dunkirk, I had “dinner”, a hoagie at Lee’s Hoagie House in Warrington…hoagies being specific to Philadelphia…everywhere else they are called subs…at any rate, before going on to the movie…my motto is “never miss an opportunity to go to the bathroom”…and often I photograph bathrooms wherever I am…I took a photo of Lee’s men’s room…the urinal was lying on the floor…the “fountain” referred to in Duchamp’s exhibition is a urinal…my photo will speak for themselves…does life imitate art?…I think so…

it was a lovely day…Art, visiting friends and pizza…Carol and Rafe I had not seen for ages…and their friends Lee and Fran ( Carol’s friend since kindergarten…wow!…I admire those people who have longtime friends, especially from elementary school…it was Elissa’s first outing since her bout with a sinus infection which has made her feel lousy for weeks now…Carol and Rafe met us at the Museum and them we went on to Stella where we met Lee and Frannie…a good time was had by all…it was a lovely day…


Grand Martime Port de Dunkerque…there’s a certain amount of fascination with the World Wars…Germany the aggressor…if one looks on a map, Germany is a huge country…flanked by Poland to the East, the Netherlands and Belgium to the East… then right below is France…the film Dunkirk shows us the extraordinary bravery of our British Ally…one of my favorite films is Mrs. Miniver ( Best Picture and Best Director for Willian Wyler )…Greer Garson won the Oscar for her portrayal of an English housewife in rural England in 1940…Walter Pidgeon plays her husband…there is a portion of the film where Pidgeon’s character Clem, together with other boat owners volunteers to take his motorboat to assist in the Dunkirk evacuation…the new film written, co-produced and directed by Christopher Nolan is a riveting film…worth seeing…and “emotionally satisfying”…and is doing better at the box office than was expected…the Battle of Dunkirk was a turning point in World War II…I had always thought that Dunkirk was in England…and that is the British name for the Port of Dunkerque in France…the German army was poised to defeat the Allied forces at Dunkirk…on May 25 the Belgium, being outnumbered by the Germans, fell and King Leopold surrendered…the British and French armies along with Belgium, Polish and Dutch soldiers faced eminent annihilation…for various reasons still debated today there was a “halt order” enabling the evacuation of the Allied forces…which took place from May 26 May to June 4, 1940…truly remarkable…from Wikipedia:

“The War Office made the decision to evacuate British forces on 25 May. In the nine days from 27 May–4 June, 338,226 men escaped, including 139,997 French, Polish, and Belgian troops, together with a small number of Dutch soldiers, aboard 861 vessels (of which 243 were sunk during the operation). The historian Basil Liddell Hart says British Fighter Command lost 106 aircraft dogfighting over Dunkirk, and the Luftwaffe lost about 135, some of which were shot down by the French Navy and the Royal Navy, but MacDonald says the British lost 177 aircraft and the Germans lost 240.

The docks at Dunkirk were too badly damaged to be used, but the East and West Moles (sea walls protecting the harbour entrance) were intact. Captain William Tennant—in charge of the evacuation—decided to use the beaches and the East Mole to land the ships. This highly successful idea hugely increased the number of troops that could be embarked each day, and indeed at the rescue operation’s peak, on 31 May, over 68,000 men were taken off.

The last of the British Army left on 3 June, and at 10:50, Tennant signalled Ramsay to say “Operation completed. Returning to Dover.” However, Churchill ( who had become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on May 10, 1940, only 17 days before the Dunkirk evaculation )…insisted on coming back for the French, so the Royal Navy returned on 4 June in an attempt to rescue as many as possible of the French rearguard. Over 26,000 French soldiers were evacuated on that last day, but between 30,000 and 40,000 more were left behind and forced to surrender to the Germany”…

the vessels saved England crossing the English Channel to save their men and bring them home – fishing boats, sail boats, ferries, anything that floated, the smallest was a 15 foot fishing dinghy called Tamzine…these sailing vessels are called “the little ships that brought our soldiers home and inspired a film”…Dunkirk was more than remarkable… “The film’s narrative follows three major threads covering different periods of time: one beginning on land and covering one week, one on the sea and covering one day, and one in the air covering one hour.”…it was a spectacle…and emotionally satisfying…and gave us the famous Winston Churchill speech “we will fight them on the beaches”…

I read that the French were upset with Christopher Nolan’s film…from an article in the New York Post, Entertainment section by Amanda Woods:

“The French are furious over a new historical movie that, they say, diminishes their country’s role in a World War II evacuation.

“Dunkirk,” the Christopher Nolan-directed film that hit theaters last week, shows a “scathing rudeness [and] deplorable indifference” toward France for its role in the Dunkirk evacuation of 1940, said a blistering review in the French newspaper Le Monde.

“Where in the film are the 120,000 French soldiers who were also evacuated from Dunkirk?” critic Jacques Mandelbaum wrote. “Where are the 40,000 who sacrificed themselves to defend the city against a superior enemy in weaponry and numbers?”

But British journalist, editor and author Max Hastings defended “Dunkirk.”

“The French will have to make their own film if they want their national story properly told,” he told the Times of London.”


an excerpt from Churchill’s speech given on June 4, 1940 to the House of Commons:  “Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail.

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender”