Blue Monday

we landed at 9:00, a few minutes ahead of schedule…left sunny California to arrive in rainy Pennsylvania…in sharp contrast…texted Elissa…she is picking me up…texted my sister and Pam to let them know I was on terra firma…Pam was just about to jump in the shower…she plays mah jong on Mondays…when I saw her later she said she won…Elissa was in the cell phone lot…waiting…asked the kid with the Superman shirt on how to spell his name…Praneet…I’ve been taking Superman pictures since 2011…started in Barcelona, I saw a kid in the Modern Museum…later on I saw him outside…asked him if I could take his picture and he gave me the pose…strike a pose…made my way off the plane…carry-ons in hand…it was quite a hike to the baggage claim…by the time I got there my bag was there…very little people had checked their bag…the airlines force us not to check their bag…called Elissa, told her I had my bag and I was at Terminal B across from the Marriott Hotel at the airport…she came fairly quickly and off we went into the rain…because of all the rain the past few weeks, the landscape was lush and green…so beautiful…got home… my plan was to unpack…and go sit on the sofa and snooze before my ultra sound appointment at 2:30…I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to make that appointment in retrospect…but I snoozed, got up at 1:30 to get to the Blair Mill Road offices of Abington Hospital…of course they had no record…finally found out I was in the wrong place…typical for clueless me…headed back where I came from…and the woman called ahead to tell them I would be late…but got there at 2:40…my appointment was for 3:00…I just remembered I was to get there at 2:30…do paperwork and give them my supplemental insurance information…the lump is gone…but they did it anyway…I was in there for about a half hour…made my way to the Acme…buy some provisions… and head to Pam’s to give them their daily bread…let’s hear it for sour dough bread!…Ben was sleeping and Julia not home…going there for dinner…Taco Tuesday… tomorrow… looking forward to that…came home. put the groceries away…and went back to my spot on the sofa and snoozed again…woke up to the horror at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England…nineteen people lost their lives and many hurt…just a sad state of affairs…I pray for those…watched Rachel Maddow and Malcolm Nance, retired as a Navy Officer and now commentator on international terrorism, intelligence, insurgency and torture…what can we do?…we can’t be intimidated… although how can we not be afraid… which is what they want…suicide bomber?…I don’t understand that…to kill yourself in the name of hate…I just don’t get it…takes our mind off of trump for a second…Flynn taking the Fifth…not giving over subpoenaed records… more out that he’s lied all along, and security clearance investigations…trump sticking by his man…”lock him up”…trump now lawyering up they say…he has no respect for the rule of law…thinks he is above the law…Republicans still sticking by their crooked president…makes me sick…makes me angry…more obstruction!…”I never mentioned the word or name of Israel” talking to the Russians…oh, an by the way, ” Comey is a nut job”…and his proposed budget…cuts for those entitlements benefiting the poor people who voted for him thinking he’s on their side… war on the poor…for one, $800 billion in cuts to Medicaid over the next decade ( Trump promised not to touch Medicaid , doesn’t matter what he says. he just lies like a rug )…”programs like food stamps (SNAP), Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy families (TANF) will face sharp cuts”… assuming his “savings” from the passage of the trump health care…so let’s take from the poor and give to the rich…disgusting…

tomorrow is the finale of The Voice…the final four singing their hearts out tonight…2 from Blake’s team, fifteen year old Aliyah Molden and Lauren Duski…1 from Adam’s, Jesse Larson and 1 from Alicia’s, Chris Blue…I am a sucker for blue and I think Alicia’s guy Chris Blue will win..we’ll find out tomorrow night…

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