Airports and Home

Hung out at Kohl’s this afternoon after having a Denver scramble at Alana’s in Redwood City….delicious Swedish oatmeal pancakes…went to say goodbye to Mom..she only wanted to go to bed but kissed me and waved goodbye…went to but bread Tto Raymonds…the place closed at 5:00, we got there at ten of…Nick, Raymond’s brother gave me four half baked loaves because I was going to PA…they have relatives in Pittsburgh… nice guy…bought a large round and a baggette the size of a baseball bat… packed it in my suitcase along the side…we decided to go to Bertolucci’s for dinner…an old timey Italian restaurant in South San Francisco, the Industrial City…they have photos of the Rat Pack in the bathrooms…Candy and I shared chicken parm…we’re so alike…and had our own salad…Jimmy, Ray’s brother is staying at their house while he works in the area…Jimmy is a roadie…Jackson Browne’s song come to mind…”the first to come, the last to leave”…he was taking down the stage today of the U2 concert…Ray and Jimmy are Irish Twins…they are the same age for two weeks in May…both 68 until this coming Tuesday…Candy and Ray took us to dinner…our waitress was Ling like linguine she offered…a blonde Asian woman and a good waitress… I told her I was happy she was a blonde…she said I was funny…dinner was delicious…Ray and Jimmy has Spumoni for dessert…where did they put it…anyway back to the house to pack…a number of years ago Candy suggested I do my laundry before I went home…good idea…it is a pleasure to come home with clean laundry…packed, said goodbye to Marcus and Candy…I tear up every time…parting is such sweet sorrow…Ray drives me to the airport, minutes away…I get pre-check which at this hour means I don’t have to take off my shoes and they know I’m not a threat to national security…so on to my gate…sitting, waiting…you know the drill… flying is the only way to go…but dealing with airports is trying at best…and airlines squeeze blood from our turnip…charging you for everything…want what they call a premium seat?…ka ching…$40.00 please but without the please…the good old days when they seemed to care about their passengers… make you comfortable…feed you a meal…okay maybe it wasn’t that good but after all, came with your flight…whatever happened to those cute little dishes and trays…we’re they recycled?…before recycling…want to check your bag?…ka ching…$25.00…and pray it gets there when you do…I’ve had my bag lost…not fun…I’m supposed to be leaving now but they haven’t started boarding…hey, be here two hours before your flight so you are on time but we don’t have to be…they just announced the flight to Dallas is missing a first officer at the next gate…one is coming on another flight…he’ll be here…in two hours…good luck with that…meanwhile I’m sitting and standing and waiting…it’s 12:22…we were supposed to be taking off…while in San Francisco I took a picture of the three place I lived…where I called home…Bennington… Massasoit…and 4th Avenue…the first 23 years of my life not counting my four years at college… they were home…a nice concept…for the last two weeks I called my sister’s house home…I’ll be home at 6:00 or be home soon…I do feel home there…I feel the same at Doris’…it is my home away from home…I think I’m boarding…yes, made my way to 28B…I’m settled with my seatbelt on…my carry-on in the bin and my personal carry-on…a bag holding my sour dough bread…five loaves…Pam and Jim and Ben and Julia will be delighted…a fellow sitting behind me is wearing a Superman shirt…he lets me take his picture…to add to my collection…he wouldn’t raise his arms up though…at least he let me take his picture…I’m ready to snooze and be back home…the home I rent and don’t particularly feel like it’s mine…but I call it home…the idea of home is comforting…and my own bed…that’s even more comforting…love  that…good night…sweet dreams…I’ll be home soon…

One comment

  1. Jay Rosenbaum · May 22, 2017

    Please post the photos of where you lived. Either here or send them on email separately.


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